Published Date: April 19th, 2011
Finished Date: May 16th, 2011
Publishers: Penguin Group(USA)Incorporated
Format: Hardback
Pages: 637
Series: Sequel to Eon
Blurb from Goodreads: Eon has been revealed as Eona, the first female Dragoneye in hundreds of years. Along with fellow rebels Ryko and Lady Dela, she is on the run from High Lord Sethon's army. The renegades are on a quest for the black folio, stolen by the drug-riddled Dillon; they must also find Kygo, the young Pearl Emperor, who needs Eona's power and the black folio if he is to wrest back his throne from the selfstyled "Emperor" Sethon. Through it all, Eona must come to terms with her new Dragoneye identity and power-and learn to bear the anguish of the ten dragons whose Dragoneyes were murdered. As they focus their power through her, she becomes a dangerous conduit for their plans. . . .
Eona, with its pulse-pounding drama and romance, its unforgettable fight scenes, and its surprises, is the conclusion to an epic only Alison Goodman could create. ----------------------------------------------------------------
My Review: WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW. Cover is awesome, story is awesome, EVERYTHING about it is plain awesomeness. Seriously there's no words to describe it. When i saw the book cover when it was released, i seriously stoned for a full 5 min staring at it. It's PERFECT. haha how is that even possible?
"This mesmerizing story begins where most novels end: in a tension-filled climatic event, in which the fate of the protagonist and a nation hang in the balance. Goodman catapults the reader headfirst into a pivotal moment in the Empire of the Celestial Dragons, a world so richly imagined that it feels real." --Booklist, starred review.
I totally agree. Omg i really don't know where to begin my review..it's so...wow that i really think no words in the english language would do it justice.
ok..firstly, the plot is REALLY complex, it's so amazing how Alison can keep everything coherent and running smoothly. At first where everything was a huge mess and tangle, in the end it was like everything really started clicking into place automatically even tho i was wondering how she was gonna tie all those knots up initially. It was complicated, but not in a bad way. It was because of it that it felt very real, and very intrigueing. All that court politics was like China's 三国演义, where there was the war between the Three Kingdoms and the main players Cao Cao, Zhu Ge Liang and Liu Bei. All this are the true history of China, and Goodman's Empire of the Celestial Dragons felt like that. Real. And totally imagineable.
It wasn't like the first book at all. The first book had to get all the descriptions out of the way because her world was really different from ours, and now with everything basic established, she could really get all the fun stuff going. Some examples would be the romance part and the court politics.
I enjoyed the romance part a lot..tho i felt there could've been more at the end. Not that i'm complaining about the end. Don't get me wrong the ending was phenomenal, albeit a little abrupt, but still awesome all the same. Just that there could've been more.
I really enjoyed the parts where Kygo and her were together..It was sweet and frustratin all the same.. But i really was annoyed when Eona kept lying to Kygo, even tho i thought i would do the same had i been her..Such mixed feelings thru'out the book! I felt like i really aged alot after i finished the book...whoo!
One thing i thought was..um not very well-planned was the fact that Goodman seemed to have conveniently made Ido change his personality in the end to enable Kygo and Eona to be together. I don't know..I mean Ido wouldn't have done what he did in the end if he really cared about Eona, and he already proved that in the beginning of the book, and no one would've done what he did if they weren't in love in truth.
Sigh..I'm hungry and i didn't plan this review so it must seem very disorganized and whatever, but yeah..that's all i can remember about the book..Time to eat~
Anyway, this book just hit my top charts with the Iron Fey series by Julie Kagawa, the Seven Kingdoms Trilogy by Kristin Cashore and 夜凝夕 by 飞烟. I really really love it a lot, and i am thinking of suggesting to Alison to write a short e-novella or something about Eona and Kygo after this book, where they are restoring the kingdom and hopefully a little insight on their budding relationshp:D BACK ME UP PEOPLE!
My Rating:
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