
About Heather
The Official Biography
Heather Ostler grew up near the mountains with a rambunctiously entertaining family. She majored in English at Utah Valley University, and soon began composing stories about masquerades, water nymphs, and shapeshifters. She and her husband, Kellen, reside in Highland, Utah with two remarkably pleasant pugs.
The Fun Biography
I like fortune cookies, lucky pennies, shooting stars, and implausible coincidences. I’m always cold and have at least 5 different flavors of hot cocoa on hand at all times. I’m a sucker for happy endings and like to eat dessert first. I think Muppets Christmas Carol is one of the best movies ever, along with The Parent Trap. English accents, cloudy days, and family inside jokes make me smile. I am a writer, and I love finding inspiration in art, music, nature, seasons, and relationships.
---Cited from Heather's Website
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And Julia from:

The Blurb
Julia is finally discovering what–not who–she is.
Like any sixteen-year-old, Julia's used to dealing with problems. From her overprotective father to her absent mother to a teacher who definitely has it in for her. But everything changes when Julia's reactions become oddly vicious and angry---more animal than human. This action-packed adventure has it all: humor, romance, and a plot that will keep you guessing to the very last page.
Goodreads | Amazon | Barnes and Noble | Book Depository
An Interview with Lead Cast, Julia
Julia enters with a big smile and gestures a small wave. She sits down and tucks a strand of hair behind her ear.
CYP: Hi Julia, thanks for coming to the blog today!
“Thanks for having me. I’m sorry I can’t stay long, my dad said I have to get back to homework soon.” She rolls her eyes.
CYP: Haha, I'm seventeen, I get it. *rolls eyes too* Ok, for starters, tell me a little about yourself, say, in 5 words.
“Oh, that’s tough. Maybe shapeshifter, overprotected, in love.” Julia grins. “White tiger, and good friend. I guess that was a little more than 5 words.”
CYP: Ohhhhh!!! My favourite color's white!! That's so cool!!!! I've read a little about you from reviews by other reviewers. Tell me, how do you feel knowing that people around the world are reading about you and your inner thoughts?
“It’s really strange. My life has taken so many crazy turns lately. I’m sure readers find my family’s past a little twisted. Hopefully they understand the reasons behind my actions, like why I snuck into the haunted ballroom, or why I kept my relationship with Terrence secret.”
CYP: -.-? "Haunter ballroom"? Haha, I'm sure they would. (No sarcasm intended) What do you like to do in your spare time? (Besides being with Terrence :P)
“I like to practice shapeshifting whenever I get the chance. I’m getting pretty quick at it! And Sierra and I love exploring Lockham Castle too, it keeps us entertained.”
CYP: Sounds like fun! You're with Sierra quite a lot, huh, but you're usually with you dad most of the time, right? What do you two do together?
“My dad is usually away with The Soldier Union during the school year. But during summertime we spend a lot of time doing outdoorsy things, like hiking, and we love traveling. Lately he’s been teaching me self-defense incase the Guild attacks us again.”
CYP: I don't really have THAT close a relationship with my own dad, so I don't really spend much time with him. I'm curious, what do you talk to him about? I mean, other than the times when he's telling you what to do, that is.
“Since he’s my only real parent, I talk to him about everything—well except for relationship things. He doesn’t exactly approve of anyone I date. He’s pretty strict, so sometimes it’s hard to be totally honest with him about what’s going on in my life.”
CYP: That's sweet. Not the romance part, but the talking 'bout nearly everything. What was it like to find out the world out there was actually filled with paranormal?
Julia shakes her head slightly. “I really didn’t believe it at first. It wasn’t until I saw Caleb shapeshift into a werecat that I realized it was all true. After that, I knew everything in my life was going to change.”
CYP: Do you regret ever finding out about that stuff?
“I was hesitant to leave my old life behind,” looks down, “but I’m so glad I went to school at Lockham castle in Ossai. It’s where I learned to shapeshift, where I fell in love with Terrence, and where my home is now.”
CYP: :) What was one part that you actually like about the paranormal?
“I really do love being a shapeshifter. I just wish I would have learned about what I was sooner. I would’ve understood what was happening when I couldn’t control my urge to attack that classroom of students—” Suddenly looks nervous. “—which was an accident I should add.”
CYP: Haha, okok, it was an accident. There's so much going on in your life now. Looking back, would you have called your life boring?
“I guess you could say that. I’m definitely glad that I got away from Ms. Finnary, my old English teacher. She always sent me to the principal’s office and then my dad would get mad and ground me. That was not fun.”
CYP: Don't think I've been grounded yet, so nope, don't understand the feeling.. Goody-two-shoes and all. :P Talking about Terrence, what was your first impression of him?
“He looks young, but I was surprised at how mature he really was. And he’s also very—eh, attractive.” Julia smiles sheepishly.
CYP: What about now? Have your perception of him changed? *waggles brow*
“Well, Terrence is incredible.” Julia blushes and runs a hand through her hair. “He’s tough like a soldier, but he’s kind, caring, and actually has a sense of humor too.”
CYP: Seems like someone's got it bad.. Hehehe. What was the most memorable moment in life? It need not be from The Shapeshifter's Secret.
“One of the most memorable moments in my life was when I was reunited with my mother after so many years. It was—a hard moment.” She pauses and takes a deep breath. “I’m not really sure if I can go into too much detail. I just wish things would have turned out differently.”
CYP: I'm sure things happen for a reason. Sooo, what about most memorable moment with Terrence?
“Hmm, probably when he helped me learn how to shapeshift. That’s when we shared our first kiss.”
CYP: What about most embarrassing?
“Probably also when he taught me how to shapeshift.” Julia laughs. “For a moment I lost control of my werecat strength and Terrence had to stop me.”
Cute! Haha, ok here's the rapid fire questions (they're completely random and you have to answer them fast):
CYP: Favourite food?
“Mm, anything with dark chocolate.”
CYP: Favourite movie?
“I know I’m being so cheesy—but I love romantic films!”
CYP: NAWWWW, I love romance films too!! Hahaha, favourite song?
“Saint-SaĆ«ns' Aquarium. It’s so magical and mesmerizing.”
CYP: Favourite season?
“Summertime, definitely.”
CYP: Favourite person in the world?
“I definitely have my hard times with my dad, but I know ultimately he’s just trying to keep me safe. He’s sacrificed so much for me, so that’s why I’m going to say he is my favorite person in the world.”
CYP: Where can readers buy The Shapeshifter's Secret?
Barnes and Nobles | Amazon
Thank you so much for your interest in The Shapeshifter’s Secret!
Thanks, Julia! :)
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Thanks CYP, Julia had so much fun doing the interview!
ReplyDeleteHaha, you're welcome! It was fun interviewing her too! :)