
Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Review and Interview: Shinobi by Cole Gibsen

Publication Date: March 8th, 2014
Finished Date: May 3rd, 2014
Publisher: Flux
Format: Paperback
Pages: 312
Series: Katana #3
My Rating: 3.5/5

Goodreads | Amazon | B&N | Book Depository | Author's Website
Blurb from Goodreads:

Rileigh is ready to celebrate.

Things have been quiet (as quiet as life can be for a reincarnated samurai), she's graduating high school, and her boyfriend, Kim, has finally regained his lost memories. But the urge to celebrate is short-lived when she realizes that if Kim can remember, chances are her (im)mortal enemy, Sumi, can remember as well. Sure enough, it's not long before the reincarnated ninja attacks Rileigh and her friends. But in the aftermath of the fight, Rileigh discovers that Sumi has performed an ancient ritual that allows her to switch bodies with Rileigh . . . and it's draining her ki. Hunted by the Network (who believe Rileigh is Sumi), Rileigh must track the vengeful ninja down before her own powers completely vanish.
My Review

*Received a retail copy from NOQ Store*

As far as the history of conclusions goes, SHIONOBI isn’t the best of conclusions for a series, but I think it’s still pretty darn awesome.

With Sumi’s and Kim’s memories gone, Rileigh plunges herself neck-deep into Order missions. Drown out the pain, get her mind over the fact that Kim doesn’t remember her anymore. As Rileigh celebrated graduation day with her motley crew of ex-samurai and best friend, Quentin, Kim makes an appearance and they find out that he has regained his memories – and so did Sumi.

I can’t even begin to describe how much trouble Rileigh and Q gets into because of Sumi’s new evil scheme, but I definitely didn’t expect it at all! Three-quarters of me loved the new twist, but the other quarter… It’s like how a protagonist gets out of a situation with a then-and-there newfound power. Sort of like Ms Cole is taking the easy route for an exciting new plot? It’s similar to how I feel about Sumi’s electric magic. I understand if a villain has magic in X-Men, but not in the world Ms Cole has created. It’s a stretch for me to understand Rileigh’s Ki powers because there are texts and stories about chi flow and whatnot in Chinese (or was is Buddhist?) history, but not electricity, zapping powers. Just…no. Then came this soul-switching thing? Even though this is an urban fantasy? I don’t think so.

I love the increase in screen-time for Rileigh and Kim! Even through unprecedentedly difficult circumstances (and I’m not even kidding/exaggerating), Kim shone like a true samurai in shining armor (I know it’s lame, but hey, I got my point across). His name still chafes at me – I mean, why can’t they just call him Gimhae which is his real name, instead of calling him by his family name – but my respect for him just tenfold-ed. One bad point for more Ri-Kim time was that we didn’t get to see much of Braden, Drew and Michelle, and they sort of faded into the background. Their characters and personalities pretty much hollowed out and they became very 2D and generic as secondary characters.

Whitley’s role in SHINOBI took on greater significance, and kudos to Sumi for new levels of creativity and desperation! Though with the continued flashbacks to Japan in the 1490s, I’m starting to understand the hatred and desperation in Sumi…and to empathize with her. There did come a point where I resented Gimhae more than Sumi, and that’s a plus point to Ms Cole’s great writing. Sumi, or rather Chiyo, did whatever she could to survive even after months of torture (yes, it was gruesome), but Yoshido judged her for it. Dude, you didn’t even make an effort to search for her body after news of her supposed death reached you, and you judged her for becoming the head of the bandits? Not cool.

The flashbacks were haunting and beautiful, and shed so much light on the complex relationship between our protagonists. I’m not usually a fan of dual-time writing styles, but I thought it really enhanced the story in the case of SHINOBI. One final adventure for Rileigh & crew, with lots of twists and plot curves that is as unpredictable as it is exciting. This is a short novel and KATANA is still my favorite, but I’d recommend SHINOBI to fans of the series or to otakus (anime-lovers) like myself!

P.S. I’m still bitter about Gimhae being called Kim. Every time I think Kim, a girly man pops into my head.

My Rating
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Just enter the coupon code: BOOKALICIOUS, at the
checkout. Discount ends 7/31/2014!

I actually did an interview with Cole after I read SENSHI, which was way back last year when it was just released in March. I wanted to post it to celebrate the release of the book, but alas, school work was crazy cause it was my A Level year last year. So I wanted to post it together with my SHINOBI review when it was released, but...yeah enough excuses. (Cole, if you're reading this, I'M SORRY!!)

Anyway, Cole was so kind to agree to an interview, and she was SO PATIENT with my many questions. So, without further adieu.

Author Bio

I love writing, day-old chinese food, and my nail polish is always chipped. My YA novel, KATANA, will be released, spring 2012 by Flux. You can check out my website at www.colegibsen.com Word to your mother. (But seriously, you should call her. She worries.)   

Connect with Cole:
Author Website | Goodreads | Facebook | Twitter

An Interview with Cole Gibsen

CYP: Hi Cole! Thanks for coming over to the blog today!

1) First things first, tell us a little about yourself. Something that cannot be found on the Net or maybe something that even your family doesn't know about?

Cole: I’ve taken up the blues harp. I started taken lessons over a year ago. I don’t know what it is, but there’s something about the harmonica and the blues that has always called to me. At first, I felt a little silly, but now I’m so glad I decided to learn. It’s so much fun!

2) What are some of your interests/hobby? Do they have any connections to how you came up with the KATANA series?

Cole: I’ve taken martial arts for years, everything from akido to kick boxing. And if there’s one thing I learned while taking martial arts, it’s that I’m really bad at martial arts. It’s much safer (and less painful) to write about it instead.

3)What is the story behind the series? The inspiration behind it? Was it like a BAM kind of thing, or did the storyline slowly flow to you as you did or looked at something?

Cole: The idea for the KATANA series came to me one night after having my butt kicked in taekwondo. I remember nursing my black eye with an ice pack and looking up at a poster of Bruce Lee on the wall just wishing his spirit would possess me long enough so I could finally win a fight. Needless to say, that never happened.

(LOL, awesome start to an awesome series! XD)

4) How about the characters? Was Rileigh an imitation of a friend? Was Kim Gimhae (SQUEE) based on your own fantasies?

Cole: Rileigh was based on the girl I wanted to be in high school; funny, snarky, and for the most part, confident. And Kim, well, you could definitely say he was based on a fantasy of mine. *grin* I’ve had a long-standing crush on Bruce Lee and it definitely leaked through to the pages of my book.

5) Did the magic element of Senshi come with the original plot? Or was it something you thought of along the way to spice things up a little? (Mainly about the electric thing going on for Whitley in Katana and now his reincarnated employer)

Cole: I was inspired by the many books I read on historical Japan. Magic and mysticism were a big part of their belief system. Even today, you can search for videos on Youtube and find men lighting fires with ki energy alone. It’s amazing!

6) How many books are you planning for the KATANA series? (Please say you don't see an end in sight yet.. :D)

Cole: Ha! So far there are three planned…but I would never say never. *grin*

(PLEEEZZZZZZ let there be more!!)

7) Which character do you like to write the most? Which character did you like the most? Which one turned out the best, in your opinion? Did the plot and characters turned out the way you wanted them too?

Cole: Like any author, I think all my characters are fun to write. But my favorite scenes are the ones with Rileigh and Whitley. There’s something about that “I hate you but I need your help” relationship that is so much fun to put down on page. For the most part my characters behaved, but when I wrote book three, someone betrays someone else and even I had no idea that was coming.

(Ri and Whitley kinda reminds me of Allison and Jackal in The Blood of Eden series by Julie Kagawa...kinda...)

8) Just a random thought, but why make Kim the only Asian? Why not all be Americans or more Asians or more nationalities?

Cole: It was important to me to show that that spirits were genderless and raceless. That’s why Michelle, who was male in the first book was female in the second. In my world, gender and skin color doesn’t matter when you reincarnated. Bodies are just shells and the only thing that remains constant was a person’s spirit. I actually had more nationalities in the first draft, but my agent at the time was concerned that was far-fetched and too convenient. Looking back on it now, I wish I would have kept it.

9) Are there any tidbits about future installments that you can share?? ;D Or any deleted scenes that you want to share?

Cole: Book three was my absolute favorite to write. In it, I answered a lot of hanging questions and revealed the origins of one of my most hated characters. It was important for me to show my villains didn’t wake up one day and decide to become evil. It happened gradually and with good reason.

10) I'm suffering from withdrawal now that I've finished reading Senshi... Do you have any good book recommendations that are similar to your series? What are some of your favorite books/series/authors?

Cole: Oh my goodness, yes! There are so many great Asian-themed books recently out and coming out. A few to check out are INK by Amanda Sun, THE TOKYO HEIST by Diana Renn, STORMDANCER by Jay Kristoff, and JET BLACK AND THE NINJA WIND by Leza Lowitz and Shogo Oketani.

(Definitely check out Stormdancer. It's one of the best YA Fantasy/Steampunk I've ever read.)

11) What made you start penning down all these crazy stories?

Cole: I always wanted to be a writer, but I lacked the self confidence to try. It wasn’t until the economy ate my small business in 2007 and I was faced with unemployment. Suddenly I had to figure out what to do with my life. I figured, if ever there was a time to write, this was it!

12) Another random question, do you watch anime or read any manga series??

Cole: I haven’t in awhile. I’m so ashamed. I think the last manga I read was the Vampire Hunter series. But I do have a running subscription to The All New X-Men. I get a lot of my inspiration from comics.

(Personally, there's this manga series called Shinobi Life I stumbled upon accidentally when searching up SHINOBI on GR. It's GREAT!! I gobled up all lordknows how many volumes in 2 days.)

Rapid fire questions!

1) Pen and paper or Microsoft?
Cole: Definitely pen and paper for outlining and a keyboard for actual writing.

2) Asian folklore or Middle Eastern myths (think Greek, Roman and Egypt)?

3) Hot chocolate or whiskey?
Cole: I’ll take a beer. *grin*

4) Favorite movie?
Cole: This changes daily. But as of now, The Avengers.

Thankyousomuch, Cole! :)
And thanks, everybahdy for visiting the blog! Do y'all like ninja stories? Any favorites/recs? :))

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Celebrating SHIELD OF WINTER's Release!!


One of the four books I've been anticipating the most!!! Hawke, Kaleb, Vasic, and of course, Aden. All of them has always been so enigmatic and disgustingly (though unintentionally but undeniably) sexy.

To celebrate the release of Shield of Winter (AHHHHHHHH ITZHEREITZHERE), I've put together a mini interview with (the super amazing) Ms Singh and her assistant, Ashwini (Guild Hunter! Hah), and a giveaway!

For those who hasn't read the series (which is nigh impossible, cause if you're into Paranormal Romance (PNR), Nalini Singh is like the first thing that pops up along with JR Ward, Ilona Andrews, and like Larrissa Ione), don't venture beyond here cause there will be spoilers!

By Nalini Singh
Series: Psy-Changeling #13
Publication Date: June 3rd, 2014
Publisher: Berkeley (US)/Gollancz (UK)

Goodreads | Amazon | B&N | Book Depository | Author's Website


“The alpha author of paranormal romance” (Booklist) draws us back into her extraordinary Psy-Changeling world, a world torn between violence and peace, passion and ice..."

Assassin. Soldier. Arrow. That is who Vasic is, who he will always be. His soul drenched in blood, his conscience heavy with the weight of all he’s done, he exists in the shadows, far from the hope his people can almost touch—if only they do not first drown in the murderous insanity of a lethal contagion. To stop the wave of death, Vasic must complete the simplest and most difficult mission of his life.

For if the Psy race is to survive, the empaths must wake…

Having rebuilt her life after medical “treatment” that violated her mind and sought to stifle her abilities, Ivy should have run from the black-clad Arrow with eyes of winter frost. But Ivy Jane has never done what she should. Now, she'll fight for her people, and for this Arrow who stands as her living shield, yet believes he is beyond redemption. But as the world turns to screaming crimson, even Ivy’s fierce will may not be enough to save Vasic from the cold darkness…

Author Bio

New York Times and USA Today Bestselling author Nalini Singh is passionate about writing. Though she’s travelled as far afield as the deserts of China, the Highlands of Scotland, and the temples of Japan, it is the journey of the imagination that fascinates her the most. She’s beyond delighted to be able to follow her dream as a writer.

Nalini lives and works in beautiful New Zealand. You can contact her directly through her website: www.nalinisingh.com. While visiting the site, Nalini invites you to join her newsletter for up-to-date news about both the Psy-Changeling and Guild Hunter series, as well as fun exclusive extras, including free short stories set in her worlds.

You can also find her online at twitter.com/NaliniSingh, and facebook.com/AuthorNaliniSingh.

A (Mini) Interview with Nalini Singh

CYP: Hi Nalini! Thank you so much for agreeing to have this interview with me!

Nalini: Thanks for the invitation!

1) I'm sure you get this question a lot, but... What made you start to write seriously? Like when did you make up your mind that being an author will be your legit career?

Nalini: I've always made up stories in my head, but it was as a teenager that I began to try to write full-length novels and began to explore what it took to get published. It was a number of years and many manuscripts later before I could become a full-time writer.

(I should have phrased this as "did you have any doubts about being an author initially?" Damnnnn. Oh well)

2) Which books in each series are your favorite? Or rather, which book gave you the most satisfaction when you've reached the The End?

Nalini: I can never pick a favorite. I spend twenty-four hours a day with the characters when I write, and I must be passionate about them all if the story is to resonate with the reader.

3) You've mentioned that the changeling series arc will end in another two or three books including Shield of Winter right? Is the number more definitive now or still unclear?

Nalini: The story arc that began with Slave to Sensation will likely end with book 14, though it's possible I'll need another book to wrap things up. I won't know that for sure until I begin writing. However, after that, I'd like to do what I call my "tangent" books, about characters and parts of the world we haven't had a chance to explore in depth to this point.

4) How about the Guild Hunter series? How many books are we looking at currently? Is the ending clear in your head already?

Nalini: I'm contracted up to book 8, and I plan to do more books after that. I know where the series is going, but I'm not sure how many books exactly it'll take to get there. Also, I want to give all of the main characters a chance to tell their story - for example, I wouldn't want to end the series without writing Aodhan's book. So for now, there is no set number. It will take as long as it takes, and when it's done, it's done. :-)

5) For the Guild Hunter series, will the next few books be in Elena/Raphael's POV or some other couples'? (Sorry, I'm a super big fan of theirs and was kiiiiiinda - just kinda - disappointed when Shadow was announced to be in Ash/Janvier's POV)

Nalini: I just finished writing Archangel's Shadows, so I'm giving myself some time to think about the next book. Whatever happens, you will see Elena and Raphael (they're a strong presence in Archangel's Shadows, too), but I'm fairly certain they won't be the main characters in the next book. That said, I reserve the right to change my mind. ;-)

6) How about the Psy-Changeling series? Will Aden be the next?? :D

Nalini: Yes, Aden's book is next. :-)


7) Will you be writing novels/novellas about the other changelings? (Like Teijan and the falcons?)

Nalini: I would like to do this after completing the main Psy-Changeling story arc. I'd definitely like to explore the falcons and the sea changelings, for example. I'm not so sure Teijan will get a book or a novella of his own - it's more likely his story will be told through the series, but again, that could change. I let my characters drive the stories, so sometimes, they surprise me.

Can you imagine how awesome it is to be able to ask your favorite author of all time questions you've been dying to ask? I SQUEALED like a pig in heat. Haha, kidding, but yeah I was crazy happy when Ashwini said I could have a mini interview with Nalini (she's so busy on tour, tho I am bitter she isn't coming to Asia...or more specifically Singapore. Sighpie). Crazy happy.

In conjunction with the interview, Nalini also agreed on a giveaway for a paperback of the US edition of WILD INVITATION. (Cooper and Grace's story is inside!!! GUYS, one of my favorite couples here!! Just saying, haha.) It will be personalized to the winner and she's making this giveaway international. Awesomeness all the way around.

This giveaway will last for a week, so it'll end next week Tuesday, June 10, 2014. Good luck! :)

Thank you for visiting! If anyone has read SoW, please tell me what you think!!! Letz discuzz Vasic's awesomeness.

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Review: Siege and Storm by Leigh Bardugo

Publication Date: June 4th, 2013
Finished Date: May 26, 2014
Publisher: Henry Holt & Co.
Format: Hardback
Pages: 432
Series: The Grisha #2
My Rating: 4.5/5

Goodreads | Amazon | B&N | Book Depository | Author's Website
Blurb from Goodreads:
Darkness never dies.

Hunted across the True Sea, haunted by the lives she took on the Fold, Alina must try to make a life with Mal in an unfamiliar land. She finds starting new is not easy while keeping her identity as the Sun Summoner a secret. She can’t outrun her past or her destiny for long.

The Darkling has emerged from the Shadow Fold with a terrifying new power and a dangerous plan that will test the very boundaries of the natural world. With the help of a notorious privateer, Alina returns to the country she abandoned, determined to fight the forces gathering against Ravka. But as her power grows, Alina slips deeper into the Darkling’s game of forbidden magic, and farther away from Mal. Somehow, she will have to choose between her country, her power, and the love she always thought would guide her--or risk losing everything to the oncoming storm.
My Review

*Received a retail copy from NOQ Store*

SIEGE AND STORM is reminiscent of the seventh installment of the Harry Potter series, IMO. It’s got the whole gloomy outlook and landscape, a growing evil force, a girl looking for the objects that will hopefully bring an end to said evil thing down pat, but with a tad more romance and politicking.

S&S starts off where SHADOW AND BONE ended, with Alina and Mal onboard the Verhadder, sailing for the shores of Novyi Zem where they hope they’ll earn enough coins to travel out of the Darkling’s insidious reaches. But we know how these stories go, don’t we all? Happy ever after never comes easy. The Darkling survived the Fold, gaining a horrible scar and terrifying new powers and soon catches up to them. He has plans for Alina and Mal, but along the way, they meet unexpected allies – though Malina are still unclear of said allies’ true motives and allegiance – and barely escapes the Darkling.

This story has a very different style of plot layers than most other High Fantasies. Most others have complex storylines, a number of other subtle plotlines happening concurrently as the main story arc. However in S&S, it’s about mindplay as much as politic maneuverings, betrayals, deceptions and the ultimate battle/showdown between good and evil. During their short stay in Novyi Zem, Alina is happy, but she is also not. She feels this loneliness and discontent because she’s got to hide her powers and she can’t ever wield it again if she and Mal are to live in the shadows. She doesn’t like it, but what the Darkling said was true – they are similar, and no others will ever be like them.

Throughout the novel, most of Alina’s issues happens inside her head and with the new love interest – who I’m still pretty conflicted about – the pace of the story did slow down quite a bit. There wasn’t as much adventure and fighting as the previous installment, though there were plenty more problems dished out to our protagonists. I did like seeing more of the world outside Ravka though, and of course the new characters that were fleshed out.

The new love interest, Sturmhond, is a privateer with a secret identity with a very off-hand, witty attitude that can turn steely and dangerous the next second. Alina prefers to call him pirate though. He’s…well, he’s cool and funny and the captain of a very awesome bunch of crew and his secret identity is even more awesome… but I’m still Team Mal cause nothing shouts true love like a guy that gives up his present, his future, his friends and his other passions just to be with and protect his girl, so, GO MAL! Beat that stuck-up pirate! Hahaha, moving on.

After helping Alina and Mal escape the Darkling, Alina feels the guilt and burden of the lives lost in Novokribirsk where the Darkling used her powers to expand the Fold, and of the bajillions other Ravkans now that the Fold is constantly expanding. She feels responsible for these people, and so she goes back to Ravka and devises a plan to, well, essentially to save the world.

I feel that Bardugo did a superb job with the internal turmoil in Alina. I feel and surprisingly sort of understand her obsession with finding the amplifiers, her confusion of whether or not it is her thirst for power or genuine desire to save her people, and the rift that it causes between her and Mal. I can feel her helplessness as it happens, her heartbreak and feeling of inevitability. I was just so invested in her I read S&S in two sittings! I did feel a little dirty after putting it down though, because the decisions Alina had to make were terrible and I did just go through it all the way with her.

THAT ENDING. I pity Alina and ARGH, Mal. What is a girl supposed to do with you. I’m Team Mal, but…ARGH, I can’t put this into words! The situation between them isn’t anyone’s fault, and I just can’t stand this…situation. ARGH.

Anyhoo, I thought that SIEGE AND STORM is another brilliant addition to the High Fantasy genre and definitely an awesome sequel to an amazing debut.

P.S. I really don’t get the draw for the Darkling that other girls are squealing about!! He’s not really a bad boy, brooding type. He just seems…relentlessly annoying and weird…and old. :/

My Rating

Enjoy a 15% discount for any purchase made at NoQ Store!
Just enter the coupon code: BOOKALICIOUS, at the
checkout. Discount ends 7/31/2014!

Monday, April 21, 2014

Excerpt + Giveaway: RecruitZ by Karice Bolton Blog Tour

RecruitZ by Karice Bolton
Afterworld #1
Publication date: December 27th 2013
Genres: New Adult, Post-Apocalyptic

Scientists are the new rock stars. The infection has been contained for nearly three months, and the world is celebrating. But humans are still dying. Rebekah Taylor has seen it firsthand. Her husband was killed right in front of her by the very creatures that humans were told they no longer had to fear.

Rebekah is determined to find out who is responsible for the death of her husband and the obvious cover-up. Fueled with revenge, she begins to find answers that lead to one frightening conclusion. The apocalypse might be over, but the battles are just beginning.

Goodreads | Amazon | Barnes and Noble | Book Depository | Kobo

Karice Bolton
About the Author

Karice Bolton lives in the Pacific Northwest and is a writer of Young Adult and New Adult books. She loves to read anything and everything. She also enjoys baking, skiing, and spending time with her wonderful husband and two English bulldogs.

(CYP: I'm a BIG fan of bulldogs!! Especially French bulls and other flat faces like pugs. :D)

Connect with Karice: Author Website | Goodreads | Facebook | Twitter

Other works:

(Covers lead to Goodreads) 

I gripped the console as I watched the twitches and spasms of the zombies’ movements closing in on us. They were everywhere…the grass, the sidewalk, the driveway. There was no mistaking the rotting, grey flesh that exposed the muscle and bone of the undead. They were something I’d run from countless times, but this time we had nowhere to run. The undead had us trapped. They would rip us to shreds in an instant.

“I think some of ‘em are new,” I said, turning my attention back to Gavin.

There were some clean-looking zombies staggering toward us, their flesh mostly intact. That made no sense. The outbreak had been contained for months. There should be no freshly infected roaming around. Everyone had been vaccinated. The only stragglers evading capture had been around awhile, so their bodies were beat up badly by the time they were caught. Not these.

“Let’s hope not,” he murmured, not bothering to look out the window to confirm nor deny my suspicions.

“We can’t run. They’d totally get us before we got away,” I said, hoping he’d correct me, tell me that we had a chance.

He didn’t.

He slammed his fist into the steering wheel and looked over at me. When the outbreak happened, we never looked back. We were always on the move, running from the disease that took our families and friends. That was the key to survival. Never stay in one place. Always stay on the move. Now we had nowhere to move. I glanced over at Gavin and saw the fear in his eyes. Even with everything we’d encountered, his eyes had never held this amount of terror.

“Babe, whatever happens…”

“Knock it off,” I said.

“We have nothing to fight them with, and a horde this size needs a distraction.”

“Don’t you dare,” I hissed, shaking my head. The fear was pulsing through me at an unstoppable rate. “We didn’t live through the outbreak to die now.”

There's a tour wide giveaway going on for an Amazon Gift Card of $50! Giveaway is international.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

By the way, if you're looking for more giveaways by Karice, she holds many, many giveaways on her website's blog. So if you follow her newsletter (I do :), you'll get notified whenever she decides to hold one.

Anyway, thank you for visiting! To view the tour's master calender, visit Xpresso Book Tours.

Monday, April 14, 2014

So I (finally) Watched Divergent...


AWESOME. I meant awesome.

Let me just say that the casting this time was even better than (wait for it) Twilight, Beautiful Creatures, and yes, even Hunger Games (not that I'm an advocate for anorexia, and it's not that I expected a boner haha, ops visible-bone-kind-of-skinny girl. I just needed someone less...voluptuous) and I'm thinking even Fifty Shades. Though I will not get into my grievances with Fifty's casting now.

Maybe some other time. Soon... Oh wellzie.

Anyway, YES, I thought Tris/Shailene would be just another Young Adult (YA) Dystopian heroine with the ass-kicking, very Katniss Everdeen but with more romance (yes, I've been privy to all the Four-gush fests). But she wasn't. I felt that the fact that Tris being born into Abnegation made her a whole lot more relatable than other YA heroines of the same genre. Let me explain this.

The Katniss Category of YA heroines -- which includes characters like Katsa from Graceling by Kristin Cashore, Defy by Sara B. Larson, and Rose from the Vampire Academy series -- are trained to hunt and fight, to be on survival mode since they were little. And they're good at it. It's a thrill to read about them and for just a fraction of time, imagine ourselves possessing agile, knive-wielding hands, nimble feet and warrior bearings. On the other hand we have the Tris Category of YA heroines -- think Elisa from the Fire and Thorns series by Rae Carson, Meghan from The Iron Fey series by Julie Kagawa and Alice Bell from the White Rabbit Chronicles by Zena Showalter. They are born like us. They are down-to-earth, calculus-learning, normal humans who lead normal human lives till they are forced into a situation where they have to pick up their big-girl, army-prints panties. They react the way you or I will react, and they think along the same tracks as us. That's their main attraction point, and I think it grabs our attention subtly. At least, this is why I loved Tris so much. This, and her unflinching loyalty, her guts, smarts, wits, and just about every aspect of her.

~Four to Tris

Then there's Four/Theo James the man himself. I mean, wow, where do I start!

Found this at Epic Reads

He's so cool, so sweet, so badass, and he's not too perfect either. But that just enhanced his sexiness, so. I WANT A FOUR TOO. BOO.

The only thing that I thought could've been made more convincing was Tris' fears. Some were valid, but some were just...weak? I mean, what most people fear, I believe, isn't what can kill us. Or at least kill us quick. It's either something caused by a past trauma, or pain, or something that will make us lose some precious marbles. For me, lock me in a room with a ghost and seriously, I don't think I would make it out of the room quite the same --or alive-- anymore. (Fuck that is one scary-shit image)

Other than that, I loved the movie. Everything flowed smoothly and for someone who didn't read the book, it was pretty dang amazing and understandable. Unlike City of Bones, Percy Jackson 1 and 2, and and Harry Potter, Deathly Hallows Parts I and II where large chunks of story had to be deleted or ALTERED (this should be punishable by law) and non-readers were left scrambling to their reader friends to ask what in Merlin's Pants is happening.

Back when HP was still understandable.

So anyway, I would rate this a 5/5 amazeball stars as a book reviewer, but in terms of movies, it's a 9.5/10 for me. The casting was spot-on, the directing was amazing, the action sequences and fight techniques were very unique and exciting, the plot was an on-the-edge-of-your-seat, breathless kind of exhilerating and the romance was PERFECT. It's the kind of romance I've been waiting for in a movie for all 19 years of my awesome teenage life. Heh.

I would definitely recommend this to fans of YA Dystopia. Or actually if you like YA and your romance to go with lots of action and a good save-the-day kind of story, DIVERGENT THE MOVIE is just the right tea for you.

My Rating

Publication Date: February 28th 2012
Watched Date: April 12th, 2014
Publisher: Katherine Tengen Books
Series: Divergent #1
My Rating: 5/5!!

Goodreads | Amazon | B&N | Book Depository | Author's Blog

Blurb from Goodreads:
In Beatrice Prior's dystopian Chicago world, society is divided into five factions, each dedicated to the cultivation of a particular virtue--Candor (the honest), Abnegation (the selfless), Dauntless (the brave), Amity (the peaceful), and Erudite (the intelligent). On an appointed day of every year, all sixteen-year-olds must select the faction to which they will devote the rest of their lives. For Beatrice, the decision is between staying with her family and being who she really is--she can't have both. So she makes a choice that surprises everyone, including herself.

During the highly competitive initiation that follows, Beatrice renames herself Tris and struggles alongside her fellow initiates to live out the choice they have made. Together they must undergo extreme physical tests of endurance and intense psychological simulations, some with devastating consequences. As initiation transforms them all, Tris must determine who her friends really are--and where, exactly, a romance with a sometimes fascinating, sometimes exasperating boy fits into the life she's chosen. But Tris also has a secret, one she's kept hidden from everyone because she's been warned it can mean death. And as she discovers unrest and growing conflict that threaten to unravel her seemingly perfect society, Tris also learns that her secret might help her save the ones she loves . . . or it might destroy her.

P.S. LOTS of news about Insurgent the movie on Veronica's blog! (1) It will be out March 20, 2015!! (2) There'll be a new director cause Neil Burger was working furiously on Divergent and they had to start filming right away. SOOOOO EXCITES.

P.P.S. I loved the movie so much I wanted to pick up Divergent and the series right away. But, being anxious me, I went to spoiler myself...about Allegiant's end... AND NO. I will not subject myself to that. So nope, I don't think I'll be picking this series up, though I'll definitely watch it through. (I'm FURIOUSLY HOPING that the screenwriters write a better ending. Though that will be unfaithful and I'd be shooting my own arse with the whole punishable by law thing, but I think this warrants an exception.)

P.P.P.S. Thanks for reading all the way!! Y'all deserve a big CYP virtual kiss. Hahaha, and lotsa chocolates and fruity champagne. Virtual, of course. ;)

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Dreaded DNFs (4)


Another round of crushed hopes and dreams and sad faces...

Haha kidding. K, so.

The Keep
By Veronica Wolff
The Watchers #4
Is it just me, or is the story getting more and more lacklustre? Drew is losing her kick, and her lovey-dovey-ing with Carden ain't what it once was. I mean, they're still awesome together, but I'm not feeling the heat. Maybe it's my weird reading mood lately. Anyone read this yet? Any comments?
Stopped at 14%.
Link to Goodreads

Prince of Shadows
By Rachel Caine
Blurb from Goodreads

A thrilling retelling of the star-crossed tale of Romeo and Juliet, from the New York Times bestselling author of the Morganville Vampires series.

In the Houses of Montague and Capulet, there is only one goal: power. The boys are born to fight and die for honor and—if they survive—marry for influence and money, not love. The girls are assets, to be spent wisely. Their wishes are of no import. Their fates are written on the day they are born.

Benvolio Montague, cousin to Romeo, knows all this. He expects to die for his cousin, for his house, but a spark of rebellion still lives inside him. At night, he is the Prince of Shadows, the greatest thief in Verona—and he risks all as he steals from House Capulet. In doing so, he sets eyes on convent-bound Rosaline, and a terrible curse begins that will claim the lives of many in Verona…

…And will rewrite all their fates, forever.

Stopped at 4% (haha, yeahh..)
Link to Goodreads
This was perhaps one of my most anticipated 2014 release after I read this excerpt of Benvolio meeting Rosaline! It was looking up until the pace sort of flattened out and...stayed there. The prose was also very Young-Adultish, too YA for a historical retelling. Well, at least for me. I'm going to put this down for awhile and maybe pick it up later. The literature girl in me disapproves but...a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do.

Bitter Sweet Love
By Jennifer L. Armentrout
Dark Elements #0.5
Blurb from Goodreads

In a sizzling prequel novella to her new series THE DARK ELEMENTS, #1 New York Times bestselling author Jennifer L. Armentrout draws readers into the extraordinary, irresistible world of Wardens and demons.
Dez wasn't just Jasmine's crush. A gargoyle Warden like Jas, he helped her come to terms with her destiny—fending off demons and maintaining balance between good and evil. He was her everything...right until the moment he disappeared without a trace. It didn't help that Jas's father had just announced that she and Dez would one day be mated. Hard not to take that personally.

And now he's back, three years older, ten times hotter, ready to pick up exactly where they left off. But Jas isn't taking that risk again. Dez has seven days to meet all her conditions and earn back her trust. Seven days filled with terrifying danger and sweet temptation. Seven days to win her heart—or shatter it all over again...

Stopped at 24%.
Link to Goodreads.
I swear to Mother Unicorn I loved WHITE HOT KISS (book 1 in series), but I'm not sure why I didn't click with Jasmine in BSL... Maybe cause the story focused more on the romance than a good ol' kicking villain ass arc. If you know me, you'd know that I don't like any form of contemporary romance (except maybe Fifty Shades. I'll always love Fifty no matter who he marries. :P Haha) But I just feel there's too little action to really amp up my excitement, so...

Remnants: Season of Wonder
By Lisa Tawn Bergren
The Remnants #1
Blurb from Goodreads

In the first book of the new futuristic dystopian series from author Lisa T. Bergren, the chosen remnants must work to redirect humanity’s course.

The year is 2095. Gifted teens known as Remnants have been chosen and trained to act as humanity’s last hope to rectify the horrors that are now part of everyday life.

The Community has trained these teens as warriors and assigned them Knights of the Last Order as protectors. Together, they are a force that will be difficult to bring down.

But the Sons of Sheol, of course, are determined to do just that. As the Remnants begin their mission to course-correct humanity by saving and protecting key individuals, their enemies move to stop them, placing the entire world in peril.

Bestselling author Lisa T. Bergren presents the first book in her new YA futuristic dystopian series—The Remnants Novels—fitting in with the current dystopian trend in the marketplace.

Stopped at 6% (this is because the book is THICK)
Link to Goodreads.
I won an ARC of it from Lisa's site and I was actually pretty into Dystopian around then (mood reader syndromes) and was quite excited to pick Remnants up. But...even though I was aware that Ms Bergren was very into religion and her books almost always has Christianity infused in her books, it has never been quite so prominent. Every other page in the first few chapters talks about the Maker. Maker this, evil people that. Ohhhhh, the Maker has brought us together (and everyone was in this primeval cave). And being a free thinker (though I am agnostic), it really got to me in a bad way. A little bit is fine, like in her River of Time series, that was cool and daisies, but if rubbing it in my face in a preachy manner kind of turns me off. Yeah, gonna put this down for awhile.

By Donna Grant
Druid's Glen #6
I bought and picked this up on a whim. Yeahh, I have never read any Donna Grant book before, and I've never touched any Druid's Glen book before and I picked up book 6. It sounded good, and come on, everyone craves a little dragon romance a little once in awhile. And Miss Grant is a big name in PNR...but I didn't really like her writing style in DRAGONFYRE. Maybe it's because it was written in 2009 (or maybe even before that), but nah, the writing was a little...disjointed.

Stopped at 12%.
Link to Goodreads.

Wicked Winds
By Sharon Kay
Solsti Prophecy #1
Blurb from Goodreads


Born with the ability to command the wind, Nicole Bonham spends her life hiding her gift. Deciding to take control of her power, she dispenses her own brand of vigilante justice in Chicago’s worst neighborhoods. Stealth and surprise are always on her side.


Lash demon Gunnar prowls Earth and several supernatural realms to help maintain peace among the immortal species. His chance encounter with Nicole creates a hurricane of sparks between them, and he can’t let her out of his sight until he discovers her true identity. In his two hundred years, he has never seen a creature like her.


Nicole and Gunnar race to discover who - or what - is stabbing the city's most destitute residents and stealing their blood. The fire that forged their bond explodes into white-hot passion, weaving their souls together on an unexpected level. Haunted by the past, Gunnar's fiercely protective instincts battle with her need to defeat the creatures she was born to fight. As they track the mastermind behind the attacks, will Nicole’s unique talent unwittingly send her straight into his lair?

Stopped at 6%.
Link to Goodreads.
WICKED WINDS was another whim book. I arrived at my university admission interview 2 and a half hours early (YEAHH fml) cause I read the time wrongly so I was browsing through Goodreads and saw WICKED WAVES (book 2), so I went to search up on book 1. I've always LOVED elemental stories and movies (Go Katara!) so I picked this up even though I don't read self-published books all that often (I'm not against them, I'm just...wary). I think that the entire idea of vigilante justice is cool, but a couple of girls becoming experts in martial arts and Tae Kwan Do in what, 3 years? And TWO girls defeating THREE muggers twice their size? Nope, I'm not convinced. To top it off, Nicole sounded like ME. Maybe me a few years ago when I was in my early teens. And she's supposed to be 28 yo. So no, the YA/MG writing style isn't for me.

I've been pretty angsty lately and in a reading slump... I am eagerly awaiting for my order of Shinobi by Cole Gibsen, Siege and Storm by Leigh Bardugo and Oracle's Moon by Thea Harrison to come though! Hopefully those bestsellers will knock me out of this funk. :))

Any good finds or DNFs lately?

Book Discounts for Everyone!

I've recently discovered a few websites and online retailers for BOOKS and I think they're awesome and worth sharing. I'm only going to talk about 3 websites, 2 of which I've known for some time already, but still. So.

NoQ Store - This is the Singapore-based (FINALLY A SINGAPORE-BASED BOOK RETAILER) e-commerce arm of TIMES PUBLISHING.

In a good way. And the best part was, a representative from NoQ Store sent me an email to offer a $40 discount for me to buy books for review purposes and a 15% discount for all my readers for any purchases made at NoQ Store!!!!!

The thing about NoQ is that, it's like a friggin' Book Depository in Singapore for me, cause they price their books cheaper than the other MNC retailers in Singapore like Kinokuniya. For example, the price of a hardcover of Siege and Storm by Leigh Bardugo at Kinokuniya is $30 odd while NoQ price it at $18. AND, they offer free shipping within Singapore for orders above $25. Just like Amazon for Americans. AWAZINGBALLS right? (Yes, that was intentional.)

So, to enjoy this discount, you have to follow me via GFC, email, Blogloving, RSS, Facebook, Twitter... Hahaha, kidding. Just use the coupon code BOOKALICIOUS at the checkout section. (But I'd appreciate the follow. :) This coupon will last till July 31st, 2014.

Reader Giveaways - If you sign up for Reader Giveaways' newsletter, you'll get daily updates of free books and books priced at $0.99 every day. Plus, they hold many giveaways every month. Prizes include gift vouchers, kindles, y'know, awesome book stuff.

Free Book Friday - For those of you who haven't heard of FBF, it was founded by author Jessica Brody (of Unremembered), and it gives away approximately three books, ranging from YA to adult fiction, every Friday. It's pretty cool, and it gives away bestsellers too like Defy by Sara B. Larson and Fire and Flood by Victoria Scott, and some pretty awesome adult Historical Romances and PNRs, thrillers, y'know. Even though I haven't won anything so far, it's a pretty cool website that I think y'all would like to visit. :)


Anyway, I hope y'all have a super Thursday today and happy book shopping!

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Excerpt + Giveaway: Copper Girl by Jennifer Allis Provost Blog Tour

Copper Girl by Jennifer Allis Provost
The Copper Legacy #1
Genre: Urban Fantasy
Publisher: Spence City
Date of Publication: June 25, 2013


Sara had always been careful.

She never spoke of magic, never associated with those suspected of handling magic, never thought of magic, and never, ever, let anyone see her mark. After all, the last thing she wanted was to end up missing, like her father and brother.

Then, a silver elf pushed his way into Sara's dream, and her life became anything but ordinary.

Goodreads | Amazon | B&N | Book Depository

Jennifer Allis Provost
About the Author

Jennifer Allis Provost is a native New Englander who lives in a sprawling colonial along with her beautiful and precocious twins, a dog, two birds, three cats, and a wonderful husband who never forgets to buy ice cream. As a child, she read anything and everything she could get her hands on, including a set of encyclopedias, but fantasy was always her favorite. She spends her days drinking vast amounts of coffee, arguing with her computer, and avoiding any and all domestic behavior.

Connect with Jennifer: Author Website | BlogGoodreads | Facebook | Twitter

            Chapter 1
It seemed like a good idea at the time.
My office, like most modern offices, cranked the air conditioning down to Arctic proportions during the summer months. Consequently, we workers arrived in the morning dressed in sandals and sleeveless tops, donned heavy sweaters upon reaching our desks, and ended up shivering by noon. Ironically, when our workday ended we were hit by a wall of oppressive heat the moment we stepped outside the main doors. No, this wasn’t a flawed system in the slightest.
That day, I wasn’t having it. I had the grand idea of spending my lunch hour outside, away from the icy wind stiffening my fingers and chilling my neck. After I unwound myself from the afghan I kept in my desk (and only used in the summer months), I gathered up my lunch and my phone and headed out for an impromptu picnic in my car.
What I hadn’t considered was that the office runs the air conditioning so cold because it was, well, hot outside. Very hot, in fact. So hot that the cheese was melting in my sandwich and the lettuce looked like something that had washed ashore months, maybe even years, ago. I was parked in the shade and had taken down my car’s convertible top, but I still couldn’t manage to get comfortable. I’d already shed my sandals and cardigan, which left me wearing my sundress and…
Dare I?
I glanced around the parking lot of Real Estate Evaluation Services, the ‘go-to firm for all your commercial real estate needs’, according to the brochures. No one, human or drone, was taking a noontime stroll, and, by virtue of my being on the far side of the lot, no cars were near mine. Most of my coworkers didn’t even have cars, so the lot was rarely more than half-full. What was more, from where I sat, I couldn’t even see the office.
I dared.
I took a deep breath and channeled my inner wild woman, then leaned the seat back and slipped off my panties. Removing that small bit of cotton made an incredible difference, and the heat became somewhat bearable. Enjoyable, even. Was that a breeze?  

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Obsidian Eyes by A.W. Exley Blog Tour: Excerpt + Giveaway

Obsidian Eyes by A.W. Exley
Published by: Curiosity Quills Press
Publication date: March 24th, 2014
Genres: Fantasy, Young Adult


1836, a world of light and dark, noble and guild. The two spheres intersect when seventeen-year-old Allie Donovan is placed at the aristocratic St Matthews Academy. More at ease with a blade than a needle, she finds herself ostracised by the girls and stalked by a Scottish lord intent on learning why she is among them.

She begins to suspect the underlying reasons when soldiers arrive to see her friend, Zeb, a mechanical genius. On the hunt for answers she breaks into his underground laboratory. There, Allie discovers he is not just constructing sentient mechanical creatures, he is building a devastating new weapon for the military.

The guilds want the weapon and Allie is trapped by ties of blood. She must obey the overlord of the guild and deliver up her friend, unless she can rely on bonds of friendship, to save both their lives.

GoodreadsAmazon | Barnes and Noble | Book Depository

A.W. Exley
About the Author

Books and writing have always been an enormous part of Anita’s life. She survived school by hiding out in the library, with several thousand fictional characters for company. At university, she overcame the boredom of studying accountancy by squeezing in Egyptology papers and learning to read hieroglyphics.

Today, Anita writes steampunk novels with a sexy edge and an Egyptian twist. She lives in rural New Zealand surrounded by an assortment of weird and wonderful equines, felines, canine and homicidal chickens.

Connect with Anita: Author's Website | Goodreads | Facebook | Twitter

     Allie's heart pounded; an echo of her footsteps on the hard slate floor of the hallway. As a guild child she learned to wield a knife like noble girls learned needlepoint. Swords and throwing stars were her pianoforte and deportment classes. Her sparring partners were often boys, so why did this particular one make her pulse run faster than a bolting horse?
     He had circled her with the easy grace of a dancer. His hair draped over his forehead, so black it bordered on blue, cut short on the nape but rangy in front, almost obscuring that pale grey gaze. Eyes so mesmerising she thought a wolf watched her. Pure predator looked out, assessing her weaknesses. Her skin burned under her tunic where his arms held her. The memory of his lips at her neck made a shiver pass down her body.
     A foolish reaction or worse, a deadly mistake.

Her mind whirled as she traced her path to the girls' dormitory. She flung open the door to the room she shared and pressed it shut behind her. With short, quick movements she stripped off her loose cotton pants and kimono top and threw herself on the bed clad in just her chemise and knickers.
    Lying back she stared at the ceiling. Her roommate, Eloise, had painted an intricate sky scape during her long internment at the school. A dark blue night-time sky with constellations painted in swirls of gold and silver stared back at her. The walls were a forest of climbing vines fit to conceal Sleeping Beauty. Eloise was a genius with her hands whether painting, sewing, or dissecting wild life.
    Allie gathered her thoughts and calmed her mind, before she dressed for class. The colours over her head reminded her of the harem, where the walls were decorated with tiles painted in azure blue, startling orange, deep green, and sunshine yellow. The brilliant mosaics were a hard contrast to the lush silken drapes and velvet floor cushions so large she used to curl up on one, like a kitten in a lap.
    "I wish you would stop killing my frogs!" The genius in question had stirred and risen from her bed only to find the lifeless amphibian on her desk.
   "Stop reanimating them and I wouldn't have to," Allie countered, rolling over on to her stomach. "And to be fair I don't kill them, I just disconnect them. How can you sleep with their limbs twitching and jerking? It woke me up again this morning."
There's a little Steampunk, a little High Fantasy, a bit of Victorian England, and a dash of YA Romance. Any takers yet? ;)

Tour-Wide Giveaway:
Google Chromecast, and 5x swag. Open to US and Canada only.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Thank you for visiting! For the tour's master calender, go to THIS LINK.

Cyp's Abbreviation Dictionary

DNF = Did Not Finish
HEA = Happily Ever After
PNR = Paranormal Romance
UF = Urban Fantasy
YA = Young Adult

Erotica Reference

BDSM = Bondage/Discipline, Dominant/Submissive, Sadism/Masochism
f/f = female/female
m/f = male/female
m/m = male/male


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