Published Date: August 20th, 2010
Finished Date: July 13th, 2011
Publishers: Spencer Hill Press
Format: Paperback
Pages: 238
Series: Ganzfield book 2
Blurb from Goodreads: The break-in at Eden Imaging put everyone at Ganzfield in the crosshairs of a killer. Do they have what it takes to stop Isaiah? Who will survive and who won't? Find out what happens next in the sequel to Minder.
My Review: I'm not gonna say much in this review cause then i'll just repeat what i'd said for Minders. But there are a few things that i must say have improved that i thought this book deserves a good 4.5 stars.
(I may get some facts wrong because it's been awhile since i put down the book. Forgive me^^")
Here are the main points in the book:
1) Maddie&co(her, trevor, Rachel, Hannah, and latest recruit and charm, Grace) starts stimulated trainings around camp together as a team, preparing themselves to go save people or get information or whatever in the outside world.
2)Maddie gets injured while sleeping(non-sexually)with Trev in their old church and has to go to town to have it looked at with all the high tech machines. Dr Williamsom thought it unsafe for any G positives to be out alone, so he sends her whole gang along with her and Trev.
3)When Maddie&co gets back to camp, they find a bloodbath. Everyone they knew save a few sparks were lined up outside their dorms and were shot, all in their PJs.
4)Maddie&co finds out that Dr Williamsom is detained by CIA and figures that she has to get him out, after which she has to neutralize Isaiah Lerner.
Yep, that's about it.
First things first, i have to say that i find the decrease in "oh i love you so much" from Maddie and Trevor a major improvement; Not that there isnt any, oh there are still quite a lot, but it is now on the believable and comfortable region. Now that it's tamped down, im kind of looking past Trev's shy-ness(which is a major turn off for me at first in Minder) and starting to really like reading about them being together. Trev's protective of Maddie, but in his own quiet, sweet way, which i find that Kaynak has a way of putting it across as very romantic.
The plot itself was engaging, and at times, the action got really adrenaline-pumping. Oh i loved it. All that fighting and plotting and scheming and running away and protecting each other and teamwork..wow. Just wow. This is a well deserved 4.5 stars. Really, the action was incredible, especially at the end. Kaynak doesnt pull any punches. One moment everyone's dead, the other Maddie&co's fighting to survive, another a betrayal is uncovered(yeah, it punched me in the gut.real hard. It was totally unexpected), and the list goes on. So bottomline: Eventful to the max!
There was humor in it too. Haha. Oh god. Maddie tried investing and got a full $6 million if im not wrong. And then she was all "oops" when Dr Williamson(or was it their lawyer, Nick Coleman?) got a call from whoever's in charge of stocks and shares to ask how on earth did a first-timer, teenage girl earn six freaking million the first time she entered the investment world. Wow, that was funny.
yeap..that's all i can remember for now. I'll add more stuff when i remember them but one thing(or impression) is still clearly etched in my mind: This is 10 times better than Minder(and Minder wasnt even boring, nuh uh), and it was - i repeat - Eventful to the max!
If you've read Minder but didnt like it because of the overly-mushy stuff, pick up Adversary and you'll forget about it! wow, i feel like a sales promoter or sth.:/
My Rating:
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