
Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Cover Reveal--Archangel's Storm has a cover!!

Archangel's Storm

Guild Hunter series #5

By Nalini Singh (awesome-est author!!)

Expected Publication: September 4th 2012 by Berkley Sensation

Other information about AS: As was mentioned at Ms Singh's blog, this book will be about Jason.

Author's Website | Blog | Goodreads | Facebook | Twitter

My Thoughts


Even though I was - and still am - yearning for another book in Elena's POV, I don't mind having the sequel in Jason's cause he's my next favourite character!! Apart from Raphael, that is. Look at that cover! So intense! One thing though: I didn't expect Jason to be so....huge. I imagined him being lean and a little buff, but not THAT buff. He is Raphael's spymaster, so shouldn't they be more, well, built to be nimble? But still, I do love that cover.:D

But my favourite cover is still ANGEL'S FLIGHT, which by the way, releases today! If you don't know about it (gasp!), it is an anthology with stories of some secondary characters in the Guild Hunter series.

Available in paperback and ebook, purchase your copy here:


So what do you think of the cover?:)

Monday, February 27, 2012

The Broken Destiny Blog Tour: Character Profile + Cast


Carlyle Labuschagne!
About Carlyle

Carlyle Labuschagne

Lives in Johnnesburg

First I am a Mother, wife and career woman. By night I read. By early, early morning peace I write. I love trees, I love food. I love music. I love people , I want to touch lives.

--Cited from Carlyle's Website

And her debut novel...

The Broken Destiny
Broken #1
The Blurb

Her Destiny is to Rise

against the fall

that threatens to take her soul.

Her soul is the Key to unlocking a secret weapon.

But to know her soul she has to hate it first,

and then come back from that.

Her Destiny starts with Betrayal.

The Broken Destiny


Meet The Broken Destiny [Dream] Cast


Third generation, Granddaughter to the founder of their kind. Carries the secret bloodline of an Ancient weapon within her soul.
Actress Britt Robertson

Nocturnal, Military student, Jaguar clang, Son of a warlock. The only broken to be born the traditional way. Bound by an oath not to use his powers and/or intervene with Ava's destiny but only to guide her. He is not to fall in love with her or they both face imminent doom. Owns the only motorbike on Poseidon. Weapon, anything her can get his hands onto, but mostly hand to hand combat.
Actor : Alex Pettyfer

Indie Authors Spotlight (4) + Big Giveaway!

Indie Authors Spotlight is a weekly meme that will be held every SATURDAY. It is hosted by Beckie @ Bittersweet Enchantment & CYP @ A Bookalicious Story. The idea of this meme is to promote indie authors and to help them and their books get recognized. This will be a great way for book bloggers to take part in helping these authors be spotlighted for their hard work. Below you will find a list of rules to follow to be able to take part in this meme.

This week, ABS will be featuring...

T.L. Clarke!
About T.L.

T.L. Clarke(TLC) is the author of Blood Oath, the second book in the Gabby Girls Adventure novels. A lifelong reader, TLC has always had a particular fascination with mysteries, adventure and mythology. When she is not writing, she can be found watching bad movies, listening to music, and traveling. Originally from New York, TLC now lives in the Washington, DC area, where she is hard at work on the next installment of The Gabby Girls Adventure novels. --Cited from T.L.'s Blog

Twitter | Facebook | Goodreads

And her novels...

The Secret of the Scarlet Stone
A Gabby Girls Adventure Novel #1
The Blurb

Can you help the Gabby Girls solve the clues?

The Gabby Girls are drawn together by the only thing that they have in common, which is the mysterious scarlet pendant they each possess. But things seem even stranger when they find a clue that tempts them with the answer to the question they have longed to know.

After all, Gabby Girls always stick together, and every day is a…Gabby Girls Adventure! YA/MG

Goodreads | Amazon | B&N | Book Depository
(TL's having a US giveaway for this book on Goodreads!)

Blood Oath
A Gabby Girls Adventure Novel #2
The Blurb

Welcome to the dark and powerful world of the Eternals.

Gabrielle Martin discovers that she was born into a secret society called the Eternals—Warriors sworn through blood to annihilate dark and evil creatures that walk the shadows of the earth. Everything she has known to be true is a lie…just smoke and mirrors to disguise a deadly world filled with half-human, half-vampire Underworld Warriors with one goal—to kill all Eternal Warriors.

The battle against pure evil begins. Friendships are betrayed. Rivals bond…and powers collide.

Expected Publication Date: March 6th, 2012
(TL's also having a US/CA giveaway for this book on Goodreads!)


Since this is the last week of Febuary, it is also....

Giveaway Time!

Lol, yes. Every month, there will be a big giveaway for the books of the authors that have been spotlighted in that month. No following is required, just fill in the Google Docs form below, and your name's in the ballot!:) Giveaway is international and will last for 2 weeks, ending on March 11th, 2012. So, without further ado, here are the prizes:

Prize 1:
Paperback of Blood Oath by T.L. Clarke (US/CA only)
eBook of Splitting Adam by John R. Ford
eBook of Blue Sky Days by Marie Landry

Prize 2:
eBook of Splitting Adam by John R. Ford
eBook of Blue Sky Days by Marie Landry

Prize 3:
eBook of Splitting Adam by John R. Ford

Add yours link to your blog post for the meme

One entry so far...

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Review: Wings of the Wicked by Courtney Allison Moulton

Published Date: January 31st, 2012
Finished Date: Febuary 6th, 2012
Publisher: HarperCollins / Katherine Tegen Books
Format: Hardcover
Pages: 516
Series: Angelfire #2
My Rating: 4.5/5

Goodreads | Amazon | B&N | Book Depository | Author's Website
Blurb from Goodreads:
Life as the Preliator is harder than Ellie ever imagined.

Balancing real life with the responsibility of being Heaven’s warrior is a challenge for Ellie. Her relationship with Will has become all business, though they both long for each other. And now that the secret of who she really is has come out, so have Hell’s strongest reapers. Grown bold and more vicious, the demonic threaten her in the light of day and stalk her in the night.

She’s been warned.

Cadan, a demonic reaper, comes to her with information about Bastian’s new plan to destroy Ellie’s soul and use an ancient relic to wake all the souls of the damned and unleash them upon humanity. As she fights to stay ahead of Bastian’s schemes , the revelations about those closest to her awaken a dark power within Ellie that threatens to destroy everything—including herself.

She’ll be betrayed.

Treachery comes even from those whom she loves, and Ellie is broken by the deaths of those who stood beside her in this Heavenly war. Still, she must find a way to save the world, herself, and her love for Will. If she fails, there will be hell to pay.

My Review

Disclaimer: If you haven't read ANGELFIRE yet or are averse to spoilers, please DO NOT read this review.

WINGS OF THE WICKED is one awesome emotional roller coaster ride - so full of action, tragedy, and romance. A great sequel to Angelfire that I loved. Every part of it was so intense and utterly memorable and I loved them all.

My Brief - albeit with a lot of spoilers - Summary
We return to the world of the reapers where Ellie, who is really the archangel Gabriel in the flesh, is still trying her best to maintain a balance between her reaper life and high school-normal teenager lifestyle. Things are getting tougher for Ellie, with Bastian becoming more aggressive and sending higher-level reapers after her - namely, Merodach and Kelaeno, two of the oldest reapers recorded in Nathaniel's history texts.

Add into the fray Cadan's shifting loyalties and frequent visits, the arrival of an old friend - and maybe ex-lover - of Will's, and the many deaths that always seem to shroud Ellie's future, she's still got to find a way to save the day. Cause, as the synopsis says, if she doesn't, there really will be hell to pay.

My Thoughts
I thought that WOW was written really beautifully - vivid, suspenseful scenes, thrilling action, forbidden romance, and to top it all up, an exciting plot with lots of curveballs. The anticipation for the release of WOW, personally, was all hyped up way before its expected publication date because of Moulton's amazing 10 weeks countdown at her blog. So naturally, my expectations were pushed way up the bar, and I wasn't disappointed. I just loved the way Moulton described each scene and her writing style. I loved the suspense and surprises - both good and bad - that were thrown at us throughout the book; It kept me on tenterhooks, and it kept the pages turning swiftly.

As for the characters, I must say that I could've done without all the parties and pink dresses on Ellie's part. I know she's trying her best to keep her normal, teenager life, but I think that that's going a little too far. She's a tough-assed heroine who still attends high school and who loves to shop, and I think that that's plenty cool already. Will is still his usual brooding self, but we get to see more into his past life as he opens up to Ellie and as she starts remembering her previous incarnations. (I love that Will likes it when Ellie combs her fingers through his hair!:P Just saying.)

Another bone I had to pick with Ellie is that, she's supposed to be the best fighter amongst her little group of friends. Like the ultimate, archangel, in-a-league-of-her-own best fighter, but Will seems to be the one who's saving her ass in every fight she gets involved in. I'm not a fan of weak heroines who depend on their oh-so-strong hero to come saving their day, so this part didn't sit that well with me.

There were more secondary characters that were introduced - Ava, Marcus, Merodach, and Kelaeno. Marcus is awesome, period; Ava's.....she's still on probation for me; Merodach's awesome too, in his own mysterious, powerful-villain way; Kelaeno's seems like the crazy-witch villain to me. Ok, she's beautiful and all (like every other reaper), but my subconscious just have this cackling-witch image whenever her name pops up. I wonder why...

Anyway, as for the ending, I wasn't a big fan of it. I'm just going to go ahead and reveal the big spoiler (not all the way, of course) - someone died. Someone who's very much an integral part of the story died, and I didn't like it. Not one bit. I know that there will always be casualties in war, but ARH. He's not supposed to go so suddenly!! And..ARHH! Ok, I'm incoherent, but you get the point. Not only that, it ends with a cliffhanger.

I will reiterate this again - WINGS OF THE WICKED is one awesome emotional roller coaster ride packed with a larger dose of action, tragedy, and romance. If you're still hesitating on picking this up, wary that WOW will not be as good as ANGELFIRE, then rest assure, WOW is as good as ANGELFIRE, and with more high-level-reaper fighting, sexual tension between Ellie and Will, and emotional scenes that will render you speechless.

*Won this book at a giveaway at CAM's blog.

My Rating

Blog Tour: Promo for The Guardian's Wildchild by Feather Stone


Feather Stone!
About Feather

I am a Canadian. Okay, so you get a vision of a peacekeeper, right? Mountains and wheat fields. Correct! Oil rigs and Inuit communities. Rivers and cold winters. Give yourself A+. To describe myself, I would have to say I'm as diverse as my beautiful country and its people.

I grew up on a cattle farm in Genesee, Alberta. It was there I developed a love for outdoors, and my horse, Dusty. In 1965 I graduated from Warburg High School and went on to nursing school.

Later, I discovered my passion in emergency medicine and become a paramedic in 1983. I worked for the City of Edmonton's emergency medical services until 2008.

My husband gets a tad testy at times as I have several projects in varying stages of completion all the time. These range anywhere from digging up my flower beds, training my sheltie, knitting another afghan, writing another novel, photography, geneology, the list goes on. I'm never bored - and I don't think my husband is. Oh, did I say that I also like to play poker, pretty good at it too. With all that activity, I also love quiet time, sit in silence in a forest, meditate, and slide into a shamanic dimension.

I have experienced the paranormal since I was a child. Therefore, I don't think of these events as odd. They're gifts and I treasure and hold them as sacred. I met my spirit guide when I was about seven. Later, when I was drowning in a lake and laying on the sandy bottom, accepting death. My guide whispered, "If you stand you can breathe." I did as he beckoned and survived, obviously (LOL). Many times my guides have spoken to me, including my father a few years after he died. Now that was unexpected!

I believe everyone is visited by his/her guide though we are often too busy to notice the stranger offering a moment of comfort or assistance. We are all capable of experiencing the paranormal, if you so choose. Sit in silence once each day, even if only for five minutes. Empty the chatter in your mind. Enjoy the bliss.

I enjoy talking to all people from all cultures and religions. There is a magical tapestry to the human race, exciting and vibrant. Everyone is special with talents, sometimes yet to be discovered. I like to bring out the best in everyone I meet. Though we have challenges in accepting peoples differences, I hope we will learn to celebrate how much we are the same, and that all people have a place on this jewel of a planet.

Feather --Cited from Feather's Website

And her novel...

The Guardian's Wildchild!
The Blurb

Sidney Davenport is known as Wildchild to her Guardian mentor, Greystone. She rebels against rules. Wildchild is gifted in the paranormal, but carefully conceals her powers from the world. Even in the crises that threaten her life, she refuses to use her powers of telepathy, telekinesis, space/time travel. If her enemies discovered the truth of who she is, her Guardian people would be destroyed. She calls upon her spirit guides, Seamus and Celeste, to guide her through a mine field of the insane - Madame and Captain Butchart.

Sidney leaves her home on Hawk's Island to help the underground stop two people who are about to cause worldwide madness. Unskilled in esponage, she is arrested and sentanced to death. But, God help Sidney, she can't deny her attraction to the man who has orders to perform her execution - the tall, dark eyed Captain Waterhouse. He's meticulous, disciplined and lives by the strict rules expected of an officer of the American navy.

Captain Waterhouse is about to scrap his higher morals to bust out of his hell. When a female prisoner is delivered to his ship, he has no idea she is capable of turning his disciplined life into a storm of unimaginable experiences. His prisoner's enemies, he discovers, are also the ones who hold his life in the palm of their hands.

Through stunning imagery, an intricate and adventurous plot, and a strong cast of characters, Feather Stone gives readers a fast paced story woven with murder and magic.


See anything that caught your eye? If so, you can find out more about Feather and The Guardian's Wildchild at:

Or follow the tour where you can win copies of The Guardian's Wildchild! (Hint: Look out for the * and **'s!:P)

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

I've Been Tagged - Your It!

I've been tagged by Kerry-Ann over at Reading A Little of Everything! This is my first time hearing of this game, and so, here goes. :)

  • You must post the rules.
  • Answer the questions the tagger set for you in their post and then create eleven new questions to ask the people you’ve tagged.
  • Tag eleven people and link to them on your post.
  • Let them know you’ve tagged them!

Below are the questions Kerry-Ann asked me:

1. Who's your favourite Fictional Hottie?

That would be....CHRISTIAN GREY from the Fifty Shades series by E.L. James!! Seriously, he is hotter than hot, and he will forever be my number one. :P Second on the list, not far from Christian, is Raphael and Jason from the Guild Hunter series by Nalini Singh. Seriously, if you haven't read either of the two, you're not a romance geekfan. Cause seriously, those two are the MUST-READS of this genre. :)

2. What is your favourite book that has made quite an impact on you?

Hm, I'd say Percy Jackson by Rick Riordan, Graceling by Kristin Cashore and The Heretic Queen by Michelle Moran. PJ was the one that started my reading and Greek myth craze-slash-obsession. Graceling was the one that led me to realise that I should start writing reviews for every book I read to preserve my feelings as I do feel a lot for books. The Heretic Queen was the one which started my Ancient Egypt craze. I started recording and watching Egyptian documentaries and researching on their culture and Pharoahs. I mean, me and documentaries? So to have me start watching them surely constitutes as a BIG impact.

3. What are your top 3 dreams or aspirations?

To do well for my 'A' Level Exams next year, get into a good Uni course, and then get a good job. And maybe add in lots of books, reviews, and blogging....and maybe a boy? :D

4. How long have you been blogging for?

I've been blogging since mid-August of 2011, but started for real in September. So that makes it around 4 to 5 months.

5. What's your favourite colour?

White and blue. As you can see, my blog's mainly white. Purple cause the only acceptable banner picture I found was purple, so oh well. I'm still trying to find a blog template/background/theme that's white but not that plain. If anyone knows some nice xml blogger template, please share!!

6. Who's your favourite Author?

In terms of personality, the top of my list would be Jus Accardo (author of the Denazen series), Amanda Bonilla (author of the Shaede Assassin series), Christina Henry (author of the Madeline Black series), and Amber Garr (author of the Syrenka series). In terms of the novels they've written, then it would definitely be E.L. James (author of the Fifty Shades series), and Nalini Singh (author the Guild Hunter series). Long list, but oh well. :P

7. Favourite social networking site?

Twitter, maybe? Or Facebook. These two are the ones that I go to mainly. (Is Blogger counted as a social networking site? If so, then GO BLOGGER!:D)

8. If you could meet one author who would it be?

Hmm, I'd love to meet Michelle Moran! She's an archaelogist for Egyptian artefacts, and the novels she's written ARE DOWNRIGHT AWESOME!!!! I'd love to be able to spend just 10 min in her brain, and I can die a happy geekfan. :P (Haha, kidding!)

9. Favourite mythical creature?

Pegasi? Or maybe sea horses. The ones that were created out of sea foam by Poseidon. :D

10. Morning Bird or Night Owl?

Night owl, sadly. :(

11. What time it where you are?

I'm guessing what Kerry-Ann means is "what time IS it where you are", so it's 1.13am now here in Singapore. So, I'm going right to bed after this post. :P


Here are my questions:

  1. Which character would you most love to be?
  2. Who is your Fictional Hottie?
  3. Which character and author do you most want to meet?
  4. Which is your favourite publisher?
  5. Favourite mythical creature?
  6. Favourite myth?
  7. Most hated character?
  8. Favourite movie or novel-adapted film or novelised movie? (Is novelised a word?)
  9. What's your dream job?
  10. What's your dream home like? Classic, modern, cosy, traditional, grand, or...?
  11. Favourite blogger? (*hint hint* :P)
The bloggers that I'm tagging are:

Sam @ Realm of Fiction
Beckie @ Bittersweet Enchantment
Vic @ Always a Booklover
Arianne Cruz @ Arianna Cruz (lol)
Cassie @ Shadow Kisses
Dani @ Pen to Paper
Jenny @ Chocolate Chunky Monkey
Carina @ Fictional Distraction
MaryAnn @ Chapter by Chapter
Stephanie @ Misfit Salon

THANKS for dropping by the blog, and if you're participating, leave your links so that I can check them out too! It's ok if you don't want to cause this game is for fun. I think. Haha. :)

Monday, February 20, 2012

Cover Reveal: Inbetween by Tara Fuller

Kissed by Death #1
By Tara Fuller
The Blurb

Since the car crash that took her father’s life three years ago, Emma’slife has been a freaky—and unending—lesson in caution. Surviving“accidents” has taken priority over being a normal seventeen-year-old, soEmma spends her days taking pictures of life instead of living it. Fallingin love with a boy was never part of the plan. Falling for a reaper whomakes her chest ache and her head spin? Not an option. It’s not easy being dead, especially for a reaper in love with a girl fatehas put on his list not once, but twice. Finn’s fellow reapers give himhell about spending time with Emma, but Finn couldn't let her die before,and he’s not about to let her die now. He will protect the girl he lovesfrom the evil he accidentally unleashed, even if it means sacrificing theonly thing he has left…his soul.

Available for preorder at: Amazon
(Expected Publication: August 7th, 2012)
Find out more about Tara or Inbetween at: Tara's Website | Goodreads | Twitter | Facebook
Tara's posted the first chapter on her website too, so head on down to check it out!:)

My Thoughts

Well, not a major fan of the cover, but I do love the model. She's really pretty!!:P And I love that green against the white, black and grey background. Lol, what do you think?

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Review: Desperate Betrayal by Hildie McQueen

Published Date: September 10th, 2011
Finished Date: Febuary 19th, 2012
Publisher: Crescent Moon Press
Format: eBook for Tour
Series: The Protectors #1
My Rating: 3.5/5

Goodreads | Amazon | B&N | Book Depository | Author's Website
Blurb from Goodreads:
Cynden Frasier (Cyn) is a member of a group of immortal warriors, the Protectors, assigned to protect humans in Atlanta, Georgia, the epicenter of a major uprising in demon activity. When Cyn is approached by a beautiful woman in a dirty alley, he is intrigued by the fact that she can see him for what he is, a terrifying demon slayer, and still dares to approach him.

Emma Blake, a half-demon, has to convince Cyn to help rescue her sister from powerful demons. Terrified that the Protector will kill her if he realizes what she is, she still goes against every instinct and approaches Cyn for help. Despite knowing that she is leading them both into territory so wrought with treachery, neither of them may survive.

Can Cyn and Emma overcome betrayal, the ancient rules that prevent Protectors from taking a wife, unless she is his one true mate? And if they do, will it even matter?

My Review

My Summary
DESPERATE BETRAYAL is about a group of immortal men who took an oath to protect the innocent from demons who mean harm. They are all lethal, and highly-skilled in battle; They are all loyal towards one another and sexy-as-hell; They cannot marry unless it is a marriage arranged by their leader, Julian, or if it is with their life-mates; They are called the Protectors.

Cynden "Cyn" Fraser is one such man. Born three centuries ago in Scotland, he undergone the transformation and took the oath to become a Protector, and is now assigned to keep the demonic at Atlanta at bay. He was slaying a group of demons in an alley one day when Emma walked into the scene. She has been looking for him for quite some time now. Her sister's been held hostage by the Supreme demon, Gerard, and he wants Emma to lure Cyn into his den. Briana's all Emma has left, and so she agrees to this bargain.

Emma is a half-demon, borne of a high-level demon for a father and a human mother, and so naturally, she keeps her heritage a secret when she first confronts Cyn, afraid that it will incite a negative response from him. Cyn refuses to help her the first time, something about his senses tells him that something about her is amiss, and his immediate attraction to her isn't helping matters either. But the second time Emma manages to find him, he caves in to her request.

As Cyn and Emma sets out to track her sister down, sparks fly, but many treacheries and betrayals abound at the same time. It's hard to trust each other, but it's hard to refuse each other too. Worse still, survival at this point is not certain, put into account all the other lives that they are risking... They're in it big this time.

My Thoughts
Well, that was an awfully long summary. Lol, that aside, I must say that DESPERATE BETRAYAL's main fous seemed to centre around the romance between Cyn and Emma. Not that it was a bad thing, far from it, being the romance-junky that I am. In a way, the PROTECTORS series resembles the BDB series by J.R. Ward. Each instalment in the series is the story of one of the "brothers". Lots of action, but with a larger dose of romance.

Emma is the type of woman everyone wants to be - smart, loyal, beautiful (apparently, this is a prominent trait of hers as many of the boys seem to take note of this point), courageous, stronger than and not fully human, but not fully demon with a compassionate heart. She gave her all in saving her sister, even gave up her love life. Cyn on the other hand, is a tall, intimidating Protector who was fiercely protective, and not only was he skilled on the battlefield, but in bed too. He may appear cold and indifferent on the outside, but he's actually quite the passionate guy when they get down and dirty. Even though it was more of a lust-at-first-sight relationship, they did make a really cute and sweet pair.

As far as the plot goes, it was not bad. One thing I can say about it is, it doesn't drag. The first part of the book flowed smoothly, and I thought the character development and all were done really well, but it detoriated a little as we get to the end. There was one part where the whole scene got rather confusing, and the sentences became a little abrupt. Even though McQueen's style of writing changed at the end, I was still hooked to its pages. I think I can safely say I finished DB within two sittings. :)

I actually got the review copy of DB for its blog tour late, so I'm only reviewing it now, but it was really good! I'm tending more towards romance than action now (but not so far as to go for contemp romance with no action at all whatsoever), so if you're like me, you may want to try DB out. I'd say that DESPERATE BETRAYAL is a mix between the BDB series and the Curse of Gremdon by Ciara Knight. So if you're a fan of either one, you might like to try this out too. :)

My Rating

Indie Authors Spotlight (3)

Indie Authors Spotlight is a weekly meme that will be held every SATURDAY. It is hosted by Beckie @ Bittersweet Enchantment & CYP @ A Bookalicious Story. The idea of this meme is to promote indie authors and to help them and their books get recognized. This will be a great way for book bloggers to take part in helping these authors be spotlighted for their hard work. Below you will find a list of rules to follow to be able to take part in this meme.

This week, ABS will be featuring an Indie author who wrote a beautiful Contemporary YA debut novel which published last month...

Marie Landry!
About Marie

Marie Landry has always been a daydreamer. She has created imaginary worlds for as long as she can remember, so it only seemed natural that she would become a writer. With a passion for words that started in early childhood, Marie has written a varied range of works, and has been freelance writing since 2009. She resides in Ontario, Canada, and most days you can find her writing, reading, blogging about writing and reading, listening to U2, or having grand adventures with her two precious nephews.

--Quoted from Marie's Goodreads Author Profile
--Photo from Marie's Blog

And her novel...

Blue Sky Days!
The Blurb

A year after graduating from high school, nineteen-year-old Emma Ward feels lost. She has spent most of her life trying to please her frigid, miserable mother - studying hard, getting good grades, avoiding the whole teenage rebellion thing - and now she feels she has no identity beyond that. Because she spent so many years working hard and planning every moment of her life, she doesn't have any friends, has never had a boyfriend, and basically doesn't know who she is or what she really wants from life. Working two part-time jobs to save money for college hasn't helped her make decisions about her future, so she decides it's time for a change. She leaves home to live with her free-spirited, slightly eccentric Aunt Daisy in a small town that makes Emma feel like she's stepped back in time.

When Emma meets Nicholas Shaw, everything changes - he's unlike anyone she's ever met before, the kind of man she didn't even know existed in the 21st century. Carefree and spirited like Daisy, Nicholas teaches Emma to appreciate life, the beauty around her, and to just let go and live. Between Daisy and Nicholas, Emma feels like she belongs somewhere for the first time in her life, and realizes that you don't always need a plan - sometimes life steers you where you're meant to be.

Life is wonderful, an endless string of blue sky days, until Nicholas is diagnosed with cancer, and life changes once again for Emma in ways she never thought possible. Now it's time for her to help Nicholas the way he's helped her. Emma will have to use her new-found strength, and discover along the way if love really is enough to get you through.

Goodreads | Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Smashwords

(Marie is so kindly giving away 2 ecopies of Blue Sky Days. The copies will be part of the big giveaway at the end of this month with the rest of the other spotlighted authors.)

*Thanks for stopping by! Anybody interested in helping to promote Indie/self-pub authors? Then help do a Spotlight post, and link up in the linky thingy!:)*

Add your meme's direct link.

1. abookaliciousstory.blogspot...A Bookalicious Story: Indie Authors Spotlight  
2. www.bittersweet-enchantment...Beckie @ Bittersweet Enchantment  

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Review: Savor by Megan Duncan

Published Date: October 1st, 2011
Finished Date: January 30th, 2012
Publisher: CreateSpace
Format: eBook from Author
Series: Warm Delicacy #1
My Rating: 3.5/5

Goodreads | KindlePaperback | B&N | Smashwords | Author's Website
Blurb from Goodreads:
When Claire Miller turned eighteen all she wanted to do was celebrate her birthday, but after a night on the town with her best friend she awakes to a visitor she never expected. The rulers of her region, a vampire royal family, have chosen her to be turned as their new heir and vampire princess. Claire quickly discovers the royal family is not what they seem and that she has secrets in her past, she never knew existed.

My Review

I saw that Duncan was having a giveaway for Indulge (Warm Delicacy #2) at her blog, and it was an impulse decision to join that giveaway since I haven't read the first book yet, and when I won the giveaway, I requested a review copy for Savor. And damn if I regretted my choice; I was surprisingly hooked to Savor! I couldn't put it down, till it was 2 in the morning and I was afraid to die by my parents' hands! I genuinely liked this fairytale-ish novel.

SAVOR is about a girl, Claire Miller, who turned eighteen and had to officially start donating blood at the local hospital for the vampire population's needs. Nothing too exciting happened until the day after when a vampire under the ruling vampire family paid Clair and her mom a visit, claiming that Claire's blood is "perfect", and that she is chosen to join the ruling family as their daughter and heiress. Not given much of a choice, Claire packs up her bags and is whisked away to the palace.

I really liked the fairytale element in here. I've been fixating my reading preferences to Paranormal Romance and action for quite some time now, but once in a while, I do love a YA dreams-come-true, commoner-turn-beautiful-princess novel. Not to say that this book is all about the clouds and daisies, there are the dangers and conflicts that Claire has to face as a vampire princess, as the palace houses traitors and jealous hearts.

There was the subtle bits of romance in SAVOR that I thought was really sweet too. The first friendly male vampire that she saw, aside from King Nicolae Noire, Dmitri was friendly and helpful; Although he liked to tease Claire a lot, he's still a good guy. I wouldn't go on much about him, cause he's not the one that I'm rooting for. So the next love interest comes in the form of Arrick. Initially only a shadow in her garden, a mysterious stranger who looked out for her, now Claire's Blood Mate, the one who swears allegiance to her, and also her protector. Not only is Arrick hot, his fierce protectiveness and competence just ups the heat whenever Claire's with him.

Aside from the romance, there's also the twists in plots and curveballs thrown at us. I couldn't fathom who the betrayer was until quite late in the book, although the part where all wa revealed was a little overly-dramatic. However, I liked the second-guessings I had to do while reading SAVOR, and that the storyline flowed smoothly from start to end.

There are three things that I spotted in SAVOR which I found unpleasant:

Firstly is Claire's rather smooth transition from the day-is-night, night-is-day routine where the vamps functioned only at night. She was still a human, and she shouldn't have been able to adapt so quickly. Night time is when our body and our organs start to "recuperate", in a way, and she will tax her liver and other organs too much if she does that.

Secondly, there were the numerous puntuation errors! The first few times I encountered some minor ones, I overlooked it and continued reading. But as the story progressed and still there were errors here and there, I noted it down to be mentioned in my review. Hm, editor, what were you doing when this book was undergoing those proofreadings and editing?

Thirdly, Duncan's style of writing was a little teenager-ish. Ok, this book is under YA Lit, but I'd much prefer reading a more mature writing style.

Apart from those listed above, I thought SAVOR was a really enjoyable and light read that readers can try picking up if you think you're in need of a break after all the intense, dark thrillers or PNR books. Even though there were things that didn't suit my tastes, I was honestly hooked to its pages for most parts of the book.

Random Musings:

If you've read the book, then you'd be familiar with this phrase:

"My last thought of the night was how excited I was that I was finally eighteen and from here on out, everything would finally start going my way."  --Chapter one, page 23 of eBook.

I found it so amusing and ominously obvious that after this phrase that things will most definitely not go her way. Just saying.

My Rating

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Desperate Betrayal Blog Tour: Book Promo (Excerpt)


Hildie McQueen!
About Hildie

I write Paranormal Romance, with a touch of Historical here and there. I am a member of Romance Writers of America, as well as Georgia Romance Writers and Fantasy, Futuristic and Paranormal Chapters of RWA.

For fun I spend a lot of time with my girlfriends. My wonderful hubby is my partner in crime for traveling. We love to jump in the car or sometimes his motorcycle and head to the mountains, the city or the beach.

And her AMAZING novel:

Desperate Betrayal!
The Blurb

Cynden Frasier (Cyn) is a member of a group of immortal warriors, the Protectors, assigned to protect humans in Atlanta, Georgia, the epicenter of a major uprising in demon activity. When Cyn is approached by a beautiful woman in a dirty alley, he is intrigued by the fact that she can see him for what he is, a terrifying demon slayer, and still dares to approach him.

Emma Blake, a half-demon, has to convince Cyn to help rescue her sister from powerful demons. Terrified that the Protector will kill her if he realizes what she is, she still goes against every instinct and approaches Cyn for help. Despite knowing that she is leading them both into territory so wrought with treachery, neither of them may survive.

Can Cyn and Emma overcome betrayal, the ancient rules that prevent Protectors from taking a wife, unless she is his one true mate? And if they do, will it even matter?

Amazon | Barnes & Noble


An Excerpt for Desperate Betrayal

“Turn around.” His smooth voice flowed over her like velvet.

Emma tried to swallow but her mouth went dry. She turned to find he stood very close.

God help her, she’d never seen a more handsome man than the one who stood before her now. Her body screamed for his touch. She wanted to be with him, her skin against his. But she wouldn’t sleep with him as a form of payment.

What if during sex he sensed that she was part demon and killed her on the spot? But, then again, maybe he would kill her just for saying no.

She forced herself to remain calm, and placed her hand on his chest only to draw it back when the urge to caress him became too strong.

“Listen Cyn. I know most women throw themselves at you. I mean you’re extremely good-lo… but, I, – I am not going to have sex with you, right now. What happened before between us, out there in the alley was because of the rush from the adrenaline after your encounter with the demon…,”She stopped babbling, at a loss for words.

Cyn stood back with his arms crossed while he stared down at her, one eyebrow cocked. His lips curved into a crooked smile.

“I was going move the chair for you and ask you to come sit by the desk, so I could get some more information from you. But I see your mind is on other things.” He leaned in closer to her and his smile widened. “You said ‘not right now’, does that mean we’ll have sex later?”


Ahahahaha, isn't that excerpt just so, um, hot? I love Cyn and Emma already! :D

See anything that caught your eye? You can visit Hildie at:

Forged in Fire Blog Tour: Guest Post + Giveaway


Trish McCallan has been writing for as long as she can remember.

In grade school she wrote children’s stories, illustrated them with crayons and bound the sheets together with pencil-punched holes and red yarn.  She used to sell these masterpieces at her lemonade stand for a nickel a book. Surprisingly, people actually bought them. Like, all of them. Every night she’d write a new batch for her basket.

As she got older her interest shifted to boys and horses. The focus of her literary masterpieces followed this shift. Her first full length novel was written in seventh grade and featured a girl, a horse and a boy. At the end of the book the teenage heroine rode off into the sunset . . . with the horse.

These days she sticks to romantic suspense with hot alpha heroes and roller-coaster plots. Since she is a fan of all things bizarre, paranormal elements always find a way into her fiction. Her current release, Forged in Fire, was the result of a Black Dagger Brotherhood reading binge, a cold, a bottle of NyQuil and a vivid dream.

You can find Trish at www.trishmccallan.com.
Website | Blog | Twitter | Facebook | Amazon Kindle


Forged in Fire
The Blurb

Beth Brown doesn’t believe in premonitions until she dreams a sexy stranger is gunned down during the brutal hijacking of a commercial airliner. When events in her dream start coming true, she heads to the flight’s departure gate. To her shock, she recognizes the man she’d watched die the night before.

Lieutenant Commander Zane Winters comes from a bloodline of elite warriors with psychic abilities. When Zane and two of his platoon buddies arrive at Sea-Tac Airport, he has a vision of his teammates’ corpses. Then she arrives—a leggy blonde who sets off a different kind of alarm.

As Beth teams up with Zane, they discover the hijacking is the first step in a secret cartel’s deadly global agenda and that key personnel within the FBI are compromised. To survive the forces mobilizing against them, Beth will need to open herself to a psychic connection with the sexy SEAL who claims to be her soul mate.

Nominated For 2011’s Best Paranormal Romance by The Romance Review!

Forged In Fire is a smoking hot adventure with an irresistible alpha hero. Danger, action, suspense, and a steamy romance make a story that’s impossible to put down!” –Patti O’Shea, National Bestselling Author of Through a Crimson Veil


When the Muse Pulls a One-Eighty
By Trish McCallan, author of Forged in Fire

There I was back in February of 2010; hammering away at a manuscript I loved, laughing like a loon as I hit the midway point in revisions. I got a huge kick out of this book. It made me laugh. I could not wait to get this puppy revised, and out on submissions so I could start on the second book in the series.

And then I made a big mistake. The biggest mistake an author can make. Well, at least the biggest mistake this author could make. I read Dark Lover by J.R. Ward, the first book in the Black Dagger Brotherhood series.  I’ve since heard that the BDB books should be handled with extreme caution: with gloves, a full face mask, perhaps even a hazmat suit. Why? Because these books are the purest, most lethal form of book crack available. The characters and world can infect you through something as simple as skin to cover contact.

There is even a rumor (but don’t quote me on this) that the FDA is trying to force Ward to put a warning label on the cover of her BDB books. Something like: Warning this book will cause lack of sleep, walking around in a daze, unfavorable comparisons to your current male partner)
You’re laughing. But I’m not kidding. These books are addictive!
I picked up Dark Lover because I was curious. That’s all. I had no interest in reading the actual series.  For God’s sake, I didn’t even like vampires. Blood drinking, biting…ewwwwww.

The only reason I picked the book up was because a friend had mentioned that J.R. Ward was Jessica Bird and I got all nostalgic.  I used to love Jessica Bird books back when I read Category romances. After the nostalgia passed, I got curious. Was her dark paranormal voice similar to her category voice? Yep, I picked the book up out of idle curiosity. I had no intention of reading the rest of the series.

One page into Dark Lover I pried myself loose long enough to go online and order every single book in the series.  I express shipped them so I’d have them the next day.  I read Dark Lover that night, stayed up until 3am in the morning because I couldn’t put it down. And when I finally did finish and tried to get some sleep, alpha vampire warriors filled my dreams.

To say I loved the books is an understatement. To say I was addicted is an understatement.

For the next week—like any good crack addict—I existed without sleep or food, sustained by The Black Dagger Brotherhood. Once I’d finished the books, I immediately went back and reread them because I just wasn’t ready to let the brotherhood go. And every single night dreams of mountainous vampire warriors filled my sleep.

My own book suffered. Hell—my own book died. I had no interest in it anymore.  It wasn’t funny, it didn’t tickle me, no sir—it was boring and bland and most definitely not the Black Dagger Brotherhood.  This continued for weeks, it continued for so long I became convinced the BDB had ruined me for any other fiction. Including my own.

Then as lack of sleep, lack of food and severe blood loss and sexual exhaustion from hosting the brotherhood—(okay a girl can daydream can’t she?)—is wont to do, I got a cold. A bad one. I loaded up on Nyquil and slept the clock way.

And I dreamed.

Every. Single. Night.

About men who laid their lives on the line without hesitation, who protected those unable to protect themselves, and who loved with fierce determination.  I dreamed about a brotherhood of alpha warriors who would step in front of a missile for someone they loved; without blinking, without thinking, on pure instinct. They were the quintessential hero.

Only these alpha warriors weren’t from the Black Dagger Brotherhood.

They weren’t even vampires.

They were navy SEALs instead. Officers of ST7.

A new obsession was born. As powerful, as addictive, as pervasive as the BDB had been. Only these were my heroes, my stories to tell. I lost interest in the Black Dagger Brotherhood and sank into my own world. My own heroes. My own brotherhood.

It took me a year to write Forged in Fire, the first book in the Forged series and my obsession never wavered. Instead, it grew stronger every day. It’s still there, a pressurized force inside me, urging me to get started on Forged in Ice, book number two in the series.

I don’t know what switch the Black Dagger Brotherhood flipped on inside me, but something happened.

And I couldn’t be happier.


Giveaway Time!

1 lucky winner here at ABS will win a paperback copy of Forged in Fire. (How awesome is that?! Haha) Giveaway is for US mailing addresses only, and it'll last for 1 week on 2/21.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Interview with Coral Moore and Brand + Giveaway


Coral Moore!
About Coral

Coral Moore has always been the kind of girl who makes up stories. Fortunately, she never quite grew out of that. She writes because she loves to invent characters and the desire to find out what happens to her creations drives the tales she tells.

Prompted by a general interest in how life works, her undergraduate schooling was in biology. She follows science news and enjoys conversations about genetics and microbiology as much as those about vampires and werewolves. Coral writes speculative fiction and is pursuing a Master of Fine Arts in Writing at Albertus Magnus College.

Currently she lives in Connecticut with the love of her life, who offers both encouragement and kicks in the tail when necessary. Also in residence are two mammals of the families Canidae and Felidae.

She released her first novel, Broods of Fenrir, in November 2011. Her next release, Elements of Rebellion, is due out in spring 2012.

Amazon Author Page | Facebook | Goodreads | Google+ | LibraryThing | Shelfari | Twitter

And her novel:

Broods of Fenrir!
The Blurb

Shapeshifter Brand Geirson was raised to rule the Broods of Fenrir, but he refused his birthright. Instead, he killed their brutal leader–his own father–and walked away.

For hundreds of years he’s avoided brood society, until a werewolf kills an innocent human woman and Brand finds himself dragged back into the violent politics of the shapeshifters. When the two brood women who mean the most to him come under threat, he must take up the throne and risk becoming the kind of vicious bastard his father was, or let the broods descend further into chaos–taking the friend he swore to protect and his lover with them.

Goodreads | Amazon | B&N
(See my review HERE)


CYP: Hey guys, thanks for coming to the blog!

I'll interview your creator first, so you two can lovey-dovey together for awhile.:) Haha, *turns to Coral*. Coral, tell me about yourself, say, in 1 sentence.

Coral: I am an unapologetic coffee addict and science geek who writes speculative fiction.

CYP: All that caffeine!! Haha, what do you like to do when you're not hard at work writing the very exciting - albeit a little gory, brutal and romantic - life of Brand and Dagny? *snickers*

Coral: Mostly, I like to watch movies and read. I picked up crocheting recently which is interesting, but I’m terrible at it. I also like to bake and draw.

CYP: Hey, I got obsessed with knitting and crocheting a few years back, so I went on youtube to learn how. :D Bit you have so many hobbies! Has your dream always been to be an author?

Coral: No, I’ve wanted to be dozens of different things. When I first met my husband he joked about how I wouldn’t be happy until I had a different job every week. Choosing writing is good for people like me, I think, because you get to experience different worlds and jobs every day.

CYP: Lol, what were your previous dreams?

Coral: Architect, Veterinarian, Artist, Marine Biologist, Computer Programmer, Animal Trainer, wait how long a list did you want? *grin*

CYP: Err...... Lol, so many!! So what was the hardest part in your path to becoming an author?

Coral: Getting over the belief that everything I write is crap. It’s harder than you would think.

CYP: What age did you start penning down all those crazy ideas of yours?

Coral: The first time I wrote down a story was high school. I did a lot of dabbling with writing then, but I’d been making up stories in my head for a few years previous to that.

CYP: That's cool. It shows that this path has kinda always been there in your life. Is Broods of Fenrir the first novel you ever wrote? Any that didn't get published?

Coral: Broods is actually the third novel I finished. There is one I finished second called Elements of Rebellion that will be out this spring, and the first one will never see the light of day. It was really terrible. *shakes head* Really, really terrible.

CYP: Aww, better luck with that one! Maybe you could try other publishers? Don't give up! You never know what will happen if you keep trying. :) Anyway, I am quite curious, what is the inspiration behind those two's *nods at Brand and Dagny* creation?

Coral: The inspiration for Brand specifically I don’t remember, he was floating around in my head for few months before I ever wrote a word. I can tell you that the first words I ever wrote about him were a 1800s era story taking place in the Canadian wilderness. He was escaping from a party of humans who had discovered he was a werewolf and wanted to hunt him down because they thought he’d killed a woman in their town. I still hope to publish that story at some point because I liked a lot about it.

Dagny’s introduction is even more convoluted. She originally started out as a minor character, but once I’d thrown her and Brand together in a tense situation, I realized they complimented each other too well for me to write her out.

CYP: Yeah, they ARE really compatible. Both strong in their own ways. Did you base any of your characters on real life people/experiences? Brand the big, menacing, intimidating alpha male; Dagny the strong and fiery heroine; Alice the weak, yet smart and very compassionate victim who's the best friend of our big alpha male over there; Erik the very testosterone-y best who almost fought with Brand when Brand saved him?

Coral: Not really, no. There are aspects of every character that are ‘me’ in one sense or another, but I don’t base my characters on people. I know my characters much better than I know any real life person for one thing, because I’m not only in the character’s head, I made their head.

CYP: Is what they are now what you originally thought about them? What changed?

Coral: Oh no. Brand’s been in my head for a couple of years now, and he started out quite a bit different. He was actually much more like Erik turned out at first, very over-Alpha and reactive. Over the course of writing I figured out a few things that happened in his past and how that would have shaped who he is now.

CYP: Mm, but I do like alpha males.. Haha. Why such a cold, brutal world? Why not hearts and daisies?

Coral: I’m glad you asked this! For me, I find a dark world more interesting than one that with hearts and puppies. I also like to make my characters overcome terrible things. The worse the world around them, the harder they have to try to win in the end. That makes a more rewarding story when the characters triumph in the end, I think.

CYP: Yeah, that makes sense. And yes, it was very sweet how Brand and Dagny were together in the end. *Turns to Brand and Dagny*

Hey guys, so how're you feeling today? About the interview? Did Coral drag both of you down today against you will? (haha, kidding!) How's Gunni and Erik?

Brand: Erik is a bit more testy than usual. He’s always had a short fuse, but these days he lashes out at everyone. Bera’s pregnancy is freaking him out, I think. Gunni I’m concerned about, he still hasn’t come out of wolf form.

Dagny: (takes Brand’s hand) He’ll be okay.

CYP: So, um, Brand, you're the star of Broods of Fenrir, tell me what's it about?

Brand: (shrugs) It’s about my life.

Dagny: (laughs) I think she deserves a better answer than that. Let me. (pats Brand’s leg) It’s about his struggle against the barbaric nature of our society and his attempt to convince the powerful among us that fear is not the only way to inspire leadership.

Brand: You’re giving me entirely too much credit.

CYP: So modest, huh, Brand? Haha, I'm just messing with you. Looking back, it's been quite a journey. So much blood shed and so much heartache, but with sprinklings of romance and joy. How do you feel about everything so far?

Brand: I’m angry.

Dagny: (sighs) Sorry, he’s not normally this difficult. (Brand grumbles and she turns to him) Well, you’re being snippy. We’re here to answer questions.

Brand: I’m no good at self-reflection. Why don’t you just take those questions?

Dagny: (nods and returns her attention to the interview) What makes him mad is that so many are depending on him and he feels like he’ll let them down.

CYP: What are your thoughts about your life being published, about people reading about you and yours and Dagny's stolen moments together? What about you, Dagny? What do you think?

Dagny: It’s tough for him. He’s very private. The idea that people know the turmoil he deals with bothers him more than anyone reading about what happens between us when we’re alone.

Brand: (grins) Actually, I think that part is kind of hot. Does that make me an exhibitionist?

Dagny: I think it does.

*Everyone LOLs*

CYP: I assume both of you have settled down already (considering all the bad boys have been eliminated), what are y'all doing with all your free time? And where do you plan on settling down? Wanna make a brood of your own with each other *wriggles eyebrows*?

Brand: I’d like to stay in Denver, but I’m not sure that’s practical. Erik’s brood is one of the best, and if I’m really going to change our society I need to go to the ones that are the worst. That means we might be traveling for a while before we can settle in one place. (turns to Dagny) You want to take the second part? (Dagny shakes her head) We both have ample reason not to want to bring offspring into the world we currently live in.

CYP: Aww, but imagine miniature Brands and Dagnys! Anyway, just for a brief introduction, Brand, heard you're quite the tough guy around here. Your wolf's pretty strong and you are constantly having trouble containing it. How does it work? I mean, is it like a separate entity? When it takes control, are you still in control of your body? What is it like for you, Dagny?

Brand: It’s a bit like what human psychologists call multiple personality disorder. There’s another being inside of me. He’s irritable and has poor impulse control. Most of the time the wolf just rides around in my body and I barely notice, but when I get scared or angry he tries to take control to protect me. I think that’s what humans have a hard time understanding. The wolf isn’t evil, he’s just instinctual.

Dagny: Females generally have less trouble controlling our wolves, but it’s really a factor of the strength of that wolf spirit rather than gender. I have more trouble with mine than most females. Usually when the wolf takes over I can still sense everything going on around my body, I just don’t have control of my body anymore. Sometimes when the wolf takes over we black out and can’t remember what happened, but that’s pretty rare.

CYP: Why do y'all usually fight in human form? Why not shift into wolves which have a lot of natural advantages like keener senses and sharp claws?

Brand: A couple of reasons. Shifting takes time. On the full moon it takes only a few seconds, but more than a few days away it takes longer and can be quite painful.

Dagny: The two of us can shift at any moon phase, but most of the brood can’t shift at less than half unless Called.

CYP: Woah, I never knew you could shift at any moon phase too! That's just too awesome...

Brand: (nods) The other issue is one of control. It’s much easier for me to maintain control in human form. In wolf form if I get upset it’s almost impossible to get control back. The wolf can fight, but he’s not much of a strategist. I’d rather be able to think my way out of trouble than rely on my claws.

Dagny: Those who have a hard time shifting can also get caught. If they get hurt as a wolf they can’t turn back until they’ve recovered somewhat. Nobody wants to get stuck in wolf form longer than necessary because you can lose yourself.

CYP: Let's move on to the fun part of this interview! What were your first impressions of each other? When y'all first met at such an unpleasant scenario?

Brand: From the moment I first saw her I thought she was the most beautiful woman I’d ever seen.

Dagny: (blushes) Well, I wasn’t in a very good place when we first met. I thought he was a domineering ass, just like the other males I’d known. Now I know he’s a very sweet, domineering ass.

Brand: (laughs) She always talks about my ass, everywhere we go.

Dagny: It is your best feature.

CYP: Lol?-.-

CYP: What are the most memorable memories that both of you have? Does not have to be from Broods of Fenrir.

Brand: The night we were mated. We spent the night in the snow under the moon. It was as near to a religious experience as I’ve ever had.

Dagny: (smiles) That’s a good choice, but I think my favorite memory came later. The second time we shared a wolf dream. That time we didn’t hunt.

Brand: (clears throat) I’d like to change my vote.

*Turns to face Coral, Brand and Dagny* Now, it's time for the rapid fire questions:

Favourite food?
Coral: Pizza
Brand: Venison
Dagny: Peanut Butter (grins sheepishly)

Favourite movie?
Coral: True Romance
Brand: Fight Club
Dagny: Underworld
Brand: She has the worst taste in movies. I mean, vampires?
Dagny: Seline is a tough female. I like her.
Brand: I might change my mind if I get to see you in a pair of those pants. (winks)
Dagny: You’re impossible.

Belgium chocolates or M&Ms?
Coral: Belgian. Yum.
Brand: I don’t think I’ve had either one…
Dagny: You’re such a man. (swats him playfully) M&Ms, but they have to be the peanut butter ones.
Brand: You and your peanut butter. (moves away from another swat from Dagny)

Favourite color?
Coral: Purple
Brand: Gray
Dagny: Blue
Coral: (rolls eyes) I’m not sure if that’s sweet or nauseating. You do realize they just picked each other’s eye color, right?
CYP: I'd go with corny.

Favourite person in the world? (*Hint hint*)
Coral: My husband, Ryan
Brand: Dagny
Dagny: Brand (laughs) We’re just a bunch of saps, aren’t we?

CYP: Okok, enough with the teasings and cheesiness. Any parting words to all those good readers out there, you three?

Coral: I’ll let Brand have the last word. I do so much talking for them.

Brand: Take advantage of every minute with the ones you love. (pulls Dagny into a snuggle against his side)

Thanks again for coming!:D


Giveaway Time!!

Coral is so kindly giving away 2 ecopies of BROODS OF FENRIR to two lucky commenters! Following is not mandatory, just leave a meaningful comment and your name's in the ballot. :) Giveaway is international and will end in one week's time on 2/12.

Cyp's Abbreviation Dictionary

DNF = Did Not Finish
HEA = Happily Ever After
PNR = Paranormal Romance
UF = Urban Fantasy
YA = Young Adult

Erotica Reference

BDSM = Bondage/Discipline, Dominant/Submissive, Sadism/Masochism
f/f = female/female
m/f = male/female
m/m = male/male


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