Rachel McClellan!
About Rachel
Rachel McClellan. Author. Mother. Crazy Person.
"My mind only knows how to write. Other people perform simple tasks like cleaning their house or using the bathroom without a distracting thought.
I can't.
Yesterday I meant to vacuum, but ended up scrubbing blood out of my carpet instead. The body's still in the freezer. And when I went to take a shower, a little girl in a red dress and pigtails appeared to me in the vanity mirror. Again. I wish she would go away.
See what I mean? My life is a story and the only way to stay sane is write it all down. I only hope others can find joy in my insanity." --From Rachel's Website
And her amazing Urban Fantasy YA novel...
Fractured Light!
The Blurb
I’m dying, I thought. This was unexpected and not at all how I envisioned my death. I was supposed to die gardening in a flowerbed as a hundred-year-old woman, not as a seventeen-year-old trapped in a lake beneath inches of ice.
Llona Reese is used to living on the run. After the Vykens killed her parents, she knew they would eventually come for her too. She can’t take any chances. But when she starts to make friends for the first time in her life, she gets careless and lets her guard down. Big mistake.
As an Aura, Llona can manipulate light and harness its energy. But if she wants to survive, Llona will have to defy the Auran Council and learn to use her power as a weapon against the Vyken whose sole desire is to take her light. Now she’s caught in something even bigger than she can understand, with a power she can’t wield, and no one she can trust, except, just maybe, a mysterious stranger.
In this breathtaking and romantic adventure, Rachel McClellan delivers a truly mesmerizing story that will keep you guessing to the very end.
CYP - me: Hi, Rachel, Llona and Christian! Thanks for coming along for the interview!
Rachel: Thanks for having us.
Llona: Yeah, thanks. I haven’t seen Christian for like three weeks so I’m really glad you’re doing this.
CYP: Why has it been so long?
Llona: I’ve been at Lucent Academy for the summer.
Christian: And I’m back in Oregon training other Guardians.
CYP: Opposite sides of the continent. That must rough. How about I interview your creator first, so you two can lovey-dovey together for a while? :)
Christian: No complaints here.
CYP: Haha. Rachel, tell me about yourself, say, in one sentence.
Rachel: I love adventures!
CYP: Me too! What do you like to do when you're not hard at work writing the very exciting life of Llona and Christian? *snickers*
Rachel: I take my kids to the forest a lot. Here in Maine, there are a ton of trails and the woods are so creepy and full of secrets from the past. I’ve written many scenes while in them.
CYP: That, is too cool! Oh man, I love the nature trails in temperate regions! The ones here in rainforests are DIRTY and muddy as hell. Haha. Has your dream always been to be an author?
Rachel: I always thought it would be cool and I loved to write, but I didn’t think it was possible. Me? Write a novel?
CYP: What were your previous dreams?
Rachel: When I was little I wanted to be a veterinarian. I loved animals. I had all kinds of pets over the years like dogs, cats, mice, birds, rats, guinea pig, snakes, and even a tarantula.
CYP: Tarantula.... Huh, your love and passion must go really deep.. What was the hardest part in your path to becoming an author?
Rachel: Once I was possessed by the spirit of writing, the hardest part was trying to balance other aspects of my life. All I wanted to do was write, but that conflicted with trying to raise a family. It took some time, but now writing and my family are simpatico. Love that word.
CYP: Hahaha, yep, now I've learnt a new word! What age did you start penning down all those crazy ideas of yours?
Rachel: I’ve always had a warped mind. Just ask my sisters or brother. We spent many hours making home movies and plays. As a teenager, I loved English and drama. I even wrote an original monologue that did well at state. In college I really started to write. I remember writing a messed-up, crazy poem for my sister who was in high school. (It was my sister who cheated, not me. J ) The teacher was worried about my sister for a while. I guess Karma got even with her.
CYP: Was FRACTURED LIGHT the first novel you ever wrote? Any that didn't get published?
Rachel: FL was not my first book. It was my third. The first two are called The Devil’s Fool and The Devil’s Angel. They’re about witches and vampires. I really love these two, but the first one really needs some plot love. I’ll return to it one day soon.
CYP: Woah...devils... Sounds wicked awesome enough. :P What is the inspiration behind those two's *nods
at Llona and Christian* creation?
Rachel: You mean the two making out in the corner?
Llona: Hey! We’re not making out. We’re just-
Christian: -getting reacquainted with each other.
Rachel: I first met Llona at a funeral. Her fathers. I remember seeing her with her blond, blond hair and pale skin, and I was like, “Is she a ghost?”
Llona: Um, thanks, Rachel.
Rachel: But she was beautiful. Really, she was.
Christian: I’d agree.
CYP: Um, Christian? I don't think you'd make an impartial judge on this.
Rachel: Llona’s voice was so strong I knew I had to keep telling her story. Christian just appeared. It took me some time to get to know him.
CYP: Did you base any of your characters on real life people/experiences? Which ones?
Rachel: May reminds me of my younger sister, especially how close she is with Llona. As for the others, they all have a little piece of me in them, including their insecurities.
CYP: Yeah, I have an older sister who's really close to me. I like the unspoken agreements between us - I think it's cool and it's like this secret ESP thing that we've got going on.:D Lol, anyway, are what Llona and Christian are now what you originally thought about them? What changed (if there are any)?
Rachel: Llona turned out to be stronger than I intended, thank goodness. And Christian’s borderline over protective. He’s all about the rules, and it sort of bugs.
Christian: Hey!
Rachel: I’m just saying.
Llona: She’s right you know.
CYP: *Turns to Llona and Christian* Hey guys, so how're you feeling today? About the interview? Did Rachel drag both of you down today against you will? (haha, kidding!) How's Jake?
Llona: We’re good. Jake’s good, too. He’s getting pretty serious with Heidi. And thanks again for doing this. I really needed to see Christian.
CYP: Is something wrong?
Llona: Um, well, I haven’t really had a chance to talk to Christian about it, but there’s some really weird things going on at Lucent.
CYP: Sounds serious. We’ll let you guys talk after. So, um, Llona, you're the star of FL, tell me, what's it about?
Llona: It’s basically about me trying to survive high school with my head still attached.
Christian: That’s not funny. Llona went through a lot, learned a lot.
CYP: Looking back, it has been quite a journey. How do you feel about everything so far?
Llona: Sad mostly. I mean, yeah, so I learned a lot, but big deal. It came with a price.
CYP: But you must have had some good times?
Llona: Oh, I did. Don’t get me wrong. I had some of the best times of my life. It’s just hard to think about them right now. Things are still pretty messed up.
CYP: I hope things get better for you. On a lighter note, what are your thoughts about your life being published, about people reading about you and Christian's stolen moments together? What about you, Christian? What do you think? Don't you think the Auran Council will find out with it traversing the globe?
Llona: It’s embarrassing actually. I mean, I might as well have handed Rachel my journal. She got pretty personal sometimes.
Christian: But you’re story needs to be told, Llona. Especially for other Aura’s. As for the Auran Council finding out about us, let them. I don’t care anymore.
Llona: Wow, Christian. When did you have the stick removed?
Christian: Very funny.
CYP: Hahahha, it IS funny. XD
CYP: When you two aren’t moving around, saving the world and training, what do you enjoy doing? Christian?
Llona: I love to run and hope to participate in a marathon one day. Maybe even one of those Ironman contests. That would be cool.
Christian: I love sports. Playing, watching, whatever.
CYP: Oooh, Ironman!! I love swimming. Haha, just saying. Just for a brief introduction, how do your powers work? What about you, Christian? Any special powers other than speed, strength and agility?
Llona: I wish there was a simple way to explain it. Basically I have Light inside me which means I have the ability to use and control light. I can also transform its calming energy to others.
Christian: And don’t forget our ability to talk telepathically. When you learn it better, of course.
CYP: I've always wanted to be able to do that. Gosh, then everyone will started staring at each other doing quiet communications. That'll be SO weird! Hahaha. Anyway, Llona, why did you decide to stay in Bountiful this time? Why not move around like the other times? Why Bountiful?
Llona: One word: mountains. At least in the beginning anyway. They are so cool and huge. But then I got friends…and Christian. I just couldn’t leave after I had what felt like a normal life. Although maybe I should’ve.
CYP: Hey, yeah! I love mountains and sceneries. Your best friend's May right? Tell me about her. I've always been really curious, what do two you two very special girls talk about normally? I'm assuming it's not shopping. :P
Llona: Definitely not shopping. We both like movies. May’s majorly into celebrities and knows everything about them. We also like to play basketball. May’s decent. She probably could’ve been on the team if she wanted to.
CYP: What about you, Christian? Do you have a best friend? Good friend? Girlfriend?
Christian: Girlfriend, that’s a good one. Me and Adam are pretty close. More friends than cousins. And I have a bunch of Guardian friends back in Oregon. It was nice to see them again.
CYP: What were your first impressions of each other? Right after that rather suave and heroic save by Christian from your rather painful fall?
Christian: My first impression was actually weeks earlier when the Auran Council sent me. The first time I saw Llona was when she was out running. I was stunned. Really, I was.
Llona: What were you expecting? Buck teeth and warts?
Christian: Maybe just one wart. Ow! Be nice, I’m only kidding. What I mean is, I didn’t expect to see a tough Aura. Llona, can do anything.
CYP: What about you, Llona?
Llona: I fell hard for Christian right away. Looking back, I think it’s because I saw a little of myself in him. We both have lost a parent, and we both have had to lead different lives apart from other people.
CYP: That's harsh. But I'm glad you found each other. Hey, heard you've been working out lately, Llona. Haha, how's the Kung Fu training coming along? Has Christian been a good teacher?
Llona: Christian was the best. I love fighting, actually any kid of physical activity. It’s so power-feeling.
CYP: That's good...I've always wanted a good martial arts teacher.. Haha, anyway, what is the most memorable memory you have? Does not have to be in one that is in FRACTURED LIGHT.
Llona: I’ll answer this one. It was the Halloween dance at the park. Christian’s dad’s company was hosting it, and it turned out to be one of the best nights I’ve ever had. Gratefully, Rachel took this out of the final version. There are some things I want to keep private.
CYP: Haha, ok now we'll be moving on to the rapid fire questions where all three of you have to answer. Fast. Favorite food?
Rachel: Stuffed Chicken Madiera
Llona: Fruity Pebbles
Christian: Medium rare steak
CYP: Favorite movie?
Rachel: Underworld
Llona: Moulin Rouge
Christian: Rambo
CYP: Favorite season?
Rachel: Fall
Llona: Spring
Christian: Spring
CYP: Favorite color?
Rachel: Black
Llona: Black
Christian: Black
CYP: Favorite person in the world?
Rachel: Too many to just choose one. Husband and my children are at the top. And Liane. Valerie.
Llona: My uncle Jake. We’ve been through a lot together.
Christian: My mom. Someone alive? Llona.
CYP: Ok, ok, any parting words to all those good readers out there?
Rachel: Become your own kind of superhero. The world needs them.
Llona: Don’t be afraid to show your true self.
Christian: Trust your gut.
Haha, thanks again for coming, you three!
What I had to say about FRACTURED LIGHT:
" I loved, absolutely adored FRACTURED LIGHT. Even though it took some time to immerse myself into the scenes, it was still an attention-grabber and after the initial few pages, I was honestly hooked! It is a magnificent story with very realistic and relatable characters, and a fantastic yet believable plot that was simply filled with action, suspense, thrill, romance, and surprises. " (See full review HERE)
If you'd like to find out more about Rachel, Llona or Christian, you can visit them at:
Giveaway Time!

Haha, just fill in the Rafflecopter form below and you're good to go! This giveaway is international. Following is optional, but it is highly encouraged!:P
a Rafflecopter giveaway
ReplyDeleterogcaprino at hotmail DOt coM
gr8 intrview/nice seeing them again miss them
Yeah, I miss them too! Saw your review on your blog, and nooo, 2013?? :(( Lol, that is gonna be a loooong wait. Sigh..
ReplyDeleteFractured Light sounds great! Thank you for the giveaway and Happy Holidays!!!
ReplyDeleteYeah, it does! It has a very unique plotline. Happy Holidays to you too, Diana!
ReplyDeleteCyp, you've been so awesome to work with! Thanks again for reviewing my book. Loved doing the interview, too. I'm sure this will not be our last encounter. :)
ReplyDeleteHey, Rachel! It was awesome to work with you too! I loved doing that multiple-interviewee-interview so much! Haha. And yeah, I hope this is not our last cause I STILL WANT THAT SEQUEL! Lol, kidding. But it sounds kinda ominous.. This will not be our last encounter..*narrows eyes* Haha, anyway, thanks and welcome, Rachel!
ReplyDeleteMyolie Wu
Ive red the reviews and i cant wait to read it.
Shelby Young
Thanks for the giveaway!
Grrr! I miss the olf raffelcopter entry forms!
Yeah, me too! Haha, thanks for entering the giveaway anyway!:)
ReplyDeleteThanks a bunch!
ReplyDeletegfc micia
Thanks for the giveaway!
ReplyDeleteGFC Darlene
darlenesbooknook at gmail dot com
Thanks for the giveaway!
ReplyDeleteGFC: Raine
Thanks for this giveaway!
ReplyDeleteGFC: Nylez
GFC : ByBy
Thanks for the giveaway!:)