Today, I'm gonna be introducing to y'all someone very special, and she is the author of TWO MOONS OF SERA:
About Her
Fantasy/Romance and will be released in a serial format beginning this fall. Her next novel
And the book that she wrote:
Two Moons of Sera
The Blurb
In a world where water and earth teem with life, Serafay is an anomaly. The result of genetic experiments on her mother's water-borne line Serafay will have to face the very people responsible to discover who she really is. But is she the only one?
And the VERY cool trailer. Omg, I think this is one of the most awesome trailer I've ever seen. The music was what we Chinese call, 一流. Lol, I don't know what's the English equivalent of it, just know that it's good.
My Review: 2MOS was a pleasantly quick, light, and sweet read. It got off to a slow start, describing the little cave in which Sera and her Sualwet mother lived in, their daily routines and stuff like that. And since Sera's world is confined to a cave, it wasn't very exciting. But her mother has her reasons to restrict Sera from wandering out into the world - Erdlanders are barbaric beings who experiment on the hairless, underwater creatures called Sualwet. A.k.a. Sera's mother.
Sera was a mistake. A half-Sualwet-half-Erdlander who was never meant to be, and it made her an outsider on both the Sualwet's and Erdlander's front. But amidst all this discriminations, Sera remained a happy and carefree half-fish.
Her desire to explore the world beyond the cave has been suppressed long ago, up until the day an Erdlander (or so she thinks) steals some papers from her. Now, that desire has been rekindled; And the more she spends time with that thief with his towering stature and intensely blue eyes, the more she longs to see the world. She remained faithfully by her mother's side, but when the Erdlanders' and Sualwets' war encroaches onto the beach where her cave is situated, Sera would have to leave her home and escape with her thief. Can she survive in a world where she's never stepped foot in before? And who, or what, is Tor?
Well, I can't get any more spoiler-y than that, because the book is only a portion of the whole story, which would be released in a serial format. I was excited to start reading 2MOS, and it didn't fail me. There was action, and a teeeensy weensy bit of a hint of romance (or at least I'm hoping that it is), and a little bit of magic thrown into the mix. I've never really been a fan of Sci-fi/Fantasy, but I think I'll make an exception for 2MOS.
Tyler's words and phrasings are very unique and, to me, very cool. An example would be:
"But don't let that fool you; they don't possess the wisdom of the sea, only the cruelty of the sun."
Doesn't that just scream poetry/philosophy? It's just so freaking cool.
Just a little kink that bugged me. Sera's attraction to her thief, Torkek, or Tor for short, was a little too quick off the mark. I mean, he stole something that her mother gave her which was quite precious, but along with the "Oh no, give it back" feeling, she was also a little intrigued and attracted to him. Intrigued, yeah I guess I understand that that's what isolation will do to you, but attracted? Hm, that's debatable, I guess. But other than that, the friendship between the two was very pure and innocent.
I'd recommend this one to the lower age range of the YA genre.
During the entire month of November, Pavarti's going to be having a reader's giveaway for EVERYONE who reads any posts about 2MOS during November. It has been posted on HER BLOG since November 1st to correspond with the launch.
Order Your Copy Now
As a thank you to all of her amazing readers and supporters, Pavarti's hosting a month long rafflecopter giveaway on her blog! Enter for your chance to win:
- A Gift Bag full of fun-tastic swag
- A $15 itunes gift card
- Ebook basket including:
- Two Moons of Sera by Pavarti K Tyler
- The Dome by Nova Sparks
- Farsighted by Emlyn Chand
- The Mumbo Jumbo Circus by Jane George
- 10,000 word critique of your manuscript
- An Advanced Readers Copy of her upcoming novel Shadow on the Wall

Previous blog stops:
Fang-tastic Books - Review
Lisa's World of Books - Review
Today's blog stops:
Breakthrough Bookstore - Review
Emlyn Chand's Blog - Excerpt
See the full blog tour schedule HERE.
Thanks for stopping by!
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A Bookalicious Story is now an award-free zone! Thank you for thinking about me tho, really!
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